Bloom Cleanser

The profession of a "Bloom Cleanser" is often regarded as dirty and unpleasant. The individuals who hold this role are tasked with the arduous job of purging areas affected by the Bloom, including removing invasive plant growth, neutralizing Bloom Beasts, and decontaminating infected zones.   The nature of their work exposes them to hazardous spores, aggressive flora, and the general decay caused by the Bloom, making it a high-risk job that is essential for maintaining safety and progress in a world overrun by nature’s fury. Despite the critical role they play, they are frequently viewed with disdain or apprehension due to the hazardous and unsightly aspects of their work.   Overall, the Bloom Cleanser profession is essential for the ongoing battle against the Bloom, though it remains a challenging and often thankless role.



Combat Training: Cleaners often have combat training to handle Bloom Beasts and defend against any aggressive flora.   Survival Skills: Essential for navigating and surviving in the hazardous environments affected by the Bloom.   Knowledge of Bloom: Understanding the nature of Bloom growths, spores, and affected flora to effectively combat and contain the threat.



Clearing Bloom Growths: Removing invasive plant species and aggressive flora that encroach on human settlements and critical infrastructure.   Neutralizing Bloom Beasts: Tracking and eliminating Bloom Beasts that threaten communities or have taken refuge in heavily infested areas.   Decontaminating Areas: Using specialized equipment and potions to cleanse areas of Bloom spores and residual corruption to prevent further spread.   Mapping Infested Zones: Documenting and mapping affected areas to monitor changes and guide future clean-up efforts.   Conducting Research: Assisting researchers in studying Bloom phenomena and finding more effective methods for containment and eradication.

Social Status

Social Perception: Despite the critical nature of their work, Bloom Cleaners are often viewed with suspicion or distaste due to the grim and dirty aspects of their job.   Professional Recognition: While they may be undervalued socially, Bloom Cleaners are highly respected within specialized circles for their bravery and essential role in protecting society from the Bloom’s advance.



Protective Gear: Specialized suits and masks designed to protect against Bloom spores and physical harm from aggressive plants.   Clearing Tools: Implements such as enchanted sickles, flamethrowers, and herbicide sprays tailored to handle Bloom flora and neutralize threats.   Portable Shields: Devices like the Bloomshield Generator to create temporary safe zones and provide protection during clean-up operations.

Dangers & Hazards

Hazardous Environment: Cleansers operate in dangerous conditions with exposure to Bloom spores, aggressive flora, and toxic environments.   Health Risks: The work poses significant health risks, including potential infection from the Bloom and long-term effects from prolonged exposure.   Physical Demand: The job requires rigorous physical activity, including heavy lifting, combat with Bloom Beasts, and enduring harsh weather conditions.

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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