Bloom Research and Scouting Corps

The Bloom Research and Scouting Corps stands as a beacon of hope in a world forever changed by the Bloom. Their dedication, bravery, and tireless efforts are a testament to the resilience of the people of Largitas and their determination to reclaim their land from the grip of nature's wrath.



BRASC is governed by a council of senior members from each division. This council makes strategic decisions, allocates resources, and sets research priorities. The head of BRASC is a respected figure, often chosen for their extensive knowledge and experience with the Bloom.   BRASC is divided into several specialized units, each focusing on a different aspect of the Bloom:   The Research Division: Comprising alchemists, botanists, and mages, this division focuses on understanding the biological and magical properties of the Bloom. They conduct experiments, analyze samples, and develop potential countermeasures.   The Scout Division: Made up of skilled rangers and explorers, the scouts venture into Bloom-affected areas to gather information, map territories, and identify threats. They are the eyes and ears of BRASC, often the first to encounter new dangers.   The Medical Division: Healers and medics work to treat those infected by the Bloom, develop cures, and study the infection's progression in living hosts. They also provide care for injured scouts and researchers.   The Military Division: Soldiers and tacticians who protect BRASC members during missions, secure Bloom-affected areas, and engage in combat with hostile entities. They also devise strategies for containing and combating Bloom outbreaks.

Public Agenda

BRASC's researchers work tirelessly in their laboratories aboard the City Ships, analyzing samples of Bloom-infected flora and fauna. They seek to understand the origins of the Bloom, its mechanisms, and potential ways to halt or reverse its spread. Their work is critical in developing protective measures for both the City Ships and the land-based settlements.   Scouting Missions:
Scouts are dispatched to Bloom-affected areas to gather firsthand information. These missions are dangerous and often involve venturing deep into hostile territories. Scouts document the spread of the Bloom, collect samples, and report on any new developments or threats. Their findings are crucial for the research and medical divisions.   Medical Treatments:
The medical division works on treating the Bloom infection in living beings. They study the progression of the infection, develop antidotes, and provide care for those afflicted. Their work is vital in preventing the spread of the infection among the population of the City Ships.   Military Engagements:
The military division ensures the safety of BRASC personnel during missions and protects the Iron Leviathan and the other City Ships from external threats. They engage in combat with aggressive plant growth, infected creatures, and other hostile entities. Their presence is essential in maintaining the security of BRASC operations.


BRASC was founded in 105 AtB in response to the growing threat of the Bloom. With the first cases of Bloom infection identified in 102 AtB and the subsequent council of kingdoms in 103 AtB, there was an urgent need for a dedicated organization to understand and combat this phenomenon. BRASC was established as a direct outcome of these discussions.   Early Years:
Initially, BRASC focused on documenting instances of the Bloom, studying infected individuals, and exploring affected areas. Early missions were fraught with danger, as the aggressive plant growth and the hostile environment claimed many lives.  


Mapping the Bloom: BRASC scouts have created detailed maps of Bloom-affected areas, identifying regions of high risk and documenting the spread of the infection. These maps are invaluable for planning future missions and protecting settlements.   Developing Countermeasures: Researchers have made significant progress in understanding the Bloom and developing countermeasures. While a definitive cure remains elusive, they have created protective barriers and treatments that slow the infection's progression.   Saving Lives: The medical division's efforts have saved countless lives, providing treatment for those infected by the Bloom and developing protocols to prevent its spread among the population.


Dangerous Missions: BRASC's work is fraught with danger, as the Bloom presents numerous threats to those who venture into its territory. Scouts and researchers often risk their lives to gather information and conduct experiments.   Limited Resources: Despite their importance, BRASC operates with limited resources. The organization relies on funding and support from the City Ships and allied kingdoms, which can be inconsistent.   Evolving Threat: The Bloom is an ever-evolving threat, presenting new challenges and dangers with each passing year. BRASC must constantly adapt to stay ahead of the infection and protect the people of Largitas.

Future Goals:

Finding a Cure: BRASC's ultimate goal is to find a cure for the Bloom infection, halting its spread and reversing its effects. This monumental task requires continued research, collaboration, and innovation.   Expanding Knowledge: BRASC seeks to expand its understanding of the Bloom, uncovering its origins and unraveling the mysteries of its power. Their findings could hold the key to protecting the world from future threats.   Strengthening Alliances: BRASC aims to strengthen its alliances with the City Ships and land-based settlements, fostering cooperation and support in the fight against the Bloom. United, they stand a better chance of overcoming this existential threat.

Articles under Bloom Research and Scouting Corps

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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Aug 15, 2024 17:19

Nice article! It's one of the most readable I've looked at so far, and the sidebar has the perfect amount of information.

If you're seeing this, I may have used your article for my 2024 Reading Challenge.
Aug 16, 2024 06:30

Thank you so much! Seems that degree in Media Analysis is coming in handy, at least for formatting :P