Bloom Detectors

Bloom Detectors are advanced devices used by BRASC and other organizations to detect the presence of Bloom spores and other Bloom-related threats in the environment. These devices combine scientific technology with magical elements to provide accurate and reliable readings, ensuring the safety of operatives and civilians.   Bloom Detectors are a critical tool in the ongoing efforts to understand, manage, and combat the threats posed by the Bloom, blending science and magic to protect the people of Largitas.  

Types of Bloom Detectors

Personal Detectors:
Handheld Models: Portable and easy to carry, used by scouts, researchers, and operatives in the field. Equipped with straps or clips for attachment to belts or packs.   Wearable Versions: Integrated into gear like helmets or hazard suits, providing continuous monitoring without requiring hands-on operation.   Stationary Detectors:
Fixed Units: Installed in key locations such as research labs, medical facilities, and strategic points on city ships. These provide constant monitoring and can trigger automated containment protocols.   Portable Stations: Larger than personal models, these can be set up temporarily in new or changing environments to monitor Bloom activity during expeditions or operations.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Sensor Array:
Magical Crystals: Embedded with enchantments that react to the unique energy signatures of the Bloom. These crystals glow or change color when Bloom spores are detected.
Chemical Sensors: These sensors analyze air samples for chemical compounds specific to the Bloom, providing data on spore concentration and potential toxicity.   Aetherium Core:
This core powers the detector, utilizing the mystical properties of Aetherium to enhance the sensitivity and range of the device. Aetherium is known for its ability to channel and amplify magical energies, making it ideal for detecting subtle Bloom signatures.   User Interface:
Display Screen: Provides real-time data on Bloom spore levels, including visual indicators such as bar graphs, numerical readings, and alerts.
Auditory Alerts: Emits sounds or voice prompts to warn users of high Bloom concentrations, ensuring they can take immediate protective measures.   Air Intake System:
Filters and Fans: Draws in air samples continuously, filtering out large particles and focusing on the microscopic Bloom spores.
Purification Unit: Cleans the sampled air before releasing it back, preventing the spread of detected spores.   Spell Matrix:
A network of runes and enchantments that work in tandem with the sensor array to detect magical anomalies associated with the Bloom. This matrix can identify not just spores, but also the presence of Bloom-touched creatures and objects.  

Usage and Maintenance

Calibration: Regular calibration is essential to ensure the accuracy of the magical crystals and chemical sensors. This involves using known Bloom samples and adjusting the device readings accordingly.   Battery and Aetherium Core: Both the battery and Aetherium core need periodic recharging. The core, in particular, requires exposure to concentrated magical energies to maintain its effectiveness.   Software Updates: The user interface and spell matrix software are regularly updated to improve detection algorithms and add new features based on the latest research.  


Field Operations: Personal and drone-based detectors are vital for scouting missions, ensuring operatives avoid high-risk areas or prepare appropriately.   Research and Development: Stationary detectors in labs help monitor experiments involving Bloom samples, ensuring a safe working environment.   Public Safety: Installed in populated areas to provide early warnings of Bloom outbreaks, allowing for rapid response and evacuation if necessary.
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Owning Organization

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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