Carnivorous Blossoms

Carnivorous Blossoms are predatory plants that thrive in regions heavily affected by the Bloom. These vicious flora resemble large, vibrantly colored flowers, but their beauty is deceptive. The blossoms range in color from deep crimson to eerie purple, often with luminescent patterns that attract prey. Despite their plant-like appearance, Carnivorous Blossoms have a frighteningly quick reaction time and are capable of capturing both small creatures and unsuspecting travelers.

Basic Information


Carnivorous Blossoms have thick, fibrous stems that anchor them to the ground. Their roots burrow deep into the soil, allowing them to draw up nutrients and remain stable even in harsh conditions. The petals, though delicate in appearance, are surprisingly tough and capable of withstanding both blunt and sharp forces. The interior of the blossom contains rows of sharp, needle-like spines to keep prey from escaping.   In Bloom-infested regions, Carnivorous Blossoms are often found in clusters. These clusters form natural traps, making travel through infested areas treacherous. The plant's bioluminescence is a key feature; the light draws attention at night, tricking creatures into approaching under the assumption it’s a safe area or a resting spot.  

Bloom Influence

Like many creatures and plants that have been exposed to the Bloom, Carnivorous Blossoms have undergone a unique transformation. The presence of Bloom spores has heightened their predatory instincts and given some specimens unnatural growth rates, allowing them to reach enormous sizes. Their digestive fluids contain trace amounts of Bloom, which further spreads contamination as the plants release spores into the air.   In some areas, these Blossoms have evolved symbiotic relationships with other Bloom-infected fauna, working together to create elaborate hunting grounds where entire ecosystems are dedicated to luring, trapping, and feeding.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivorous Blossoms primarily feed on living organisms, relying on their nectar's sweet scent to lure prey. Once a creature is close enough, the petals snap shut with surprising speed, trapping the victim within. Specialized tendrils secrete digestive enzymes that break down the captured prey into nutrients. The process is slow, often taking days or weeks, during which the Blossom draws energy to grow larger and expand its territory.   These plants can feed on small animals, insects, and even larger creatures if left undisturbed. While not aggressive in the sense of hunting prey, they are patient predators that blend into their environment until something wanders within reach.

Uses and Dangers

Due to their unique properties, parts of Carnivorous Blossoms are sometimes harvested by alchemists and researchers. The digestive enzymes, in particular, have proven useful in both industrial applications and potion-making. However, harvesting these plants is extremely dangerous, as disturbing one often triggers nearby clusters to activate as well.   For travelers and adventurers, spotting Carnivorous Blossoms from a distance is crucial. They have a distinctive glow at night, but during the day, their vibrant colors blend with the surrounding flora, making them difficult to avoid. Many scouting guides and rangers carry specialized deterrents when venturing into Bloom-heavy regions to avoid falling victim to these dangerous plants.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Appy Pie Design


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