The Bloom Zone

The Bloom Zone is a vast and perilous region where the Bloom has taken root and spread uncontrollably. This area, once teeming with life and civilization, is now a twisted and dangerous landscape dominated by aggressive plant growth, mutated creatures, and powerful Bloom Beasts. The Bloom Zone is divided into four distinct layers, each progressively more dangerous and challenging to traverse.   The Bloom Zone represents the ultimate challenge for adventurers and researchers in Largitas, a place where the environment itself is an enemy, and the threats are as varied as they are deadly. Successfully navigating and surviving this perilous region requires not only strength and courage but also careful planning, resourcefulness, and a deep understanding of the Bloom.


1. The Outskirts


Environment: The outermost layer of the Bloom Zone, the Outskirts, still retains some remnants of its former ecosystem. Trees, shrubs, and grasses grow wildly, intertwined with Bloom flora. The air is thick with spores, and the ground is uneven due to the rapid plant growth.   Threats: While not as dangerous as the inner layers, the Outskirts are still hazardous. Bloom-infected animals roam the area, and smaller Bloom Beasts occasionally appear. The flora itself can be aggressive, with vines and roots that lash out at intruders.  

2. The Wilds


Environment: The Wilds are characterized by an even denser and more chaotic growth of Bloom plants. The flora here is more aggressive, with carnivorous plants and larger Bloom Beasts becoming more common. The atmosphere is heavy with spores, making breathing difficult without proper protection.   Threats: This layer hosts a variety of mutated creatures and mid-tier Bloom Beasts, including Bloom Stalkers and Bloom Shamblers. The plants are highly aggressive, with numerous traps and ambushes set by the flora.  

3. The Heartland


Environment: The Heartland is a twisted and surreal landscape where the Bloom has taken full control. The flora here is massive and sentient, with towering trees and thick canopies blocking out most sunlight. The ground is covered in a thick layer of Bloom spores, making every step perilous.   Threats: This layer is home to some of the most dangerous Bloom Beasts, including Bloom Drakes and Bloom Brutes. The flora itself is alive and aware, actively seeking to ensnare and consume any intruders.  

4. The Core


Environment: The Core is the epicenter of the Bloom, a nightmarish realm where the environment is entirely alien. The air is thick with spores, visibility is low, and the very ground seems to pulse with a malevolent life force. The plants here are colossal and otherworldly, and the atmosphere is oppressive and toxic.   Threats: The Core is inhabited by the most powerful and ancient Bloom Beasts, entities that are nearly god-like in their strength and intelligence. The flora is almost entirely sentient, reacting to the presence of intruders with deadly precision.


Strategies for Survival


  • Equip advanced protective gear, including personal Bloomshield Generators and respirators.
  • Stock up on anti-Bloom potions and antidotes to counteract spore exposure and infection.
  • Form well-rounded teams with diverse skills to handle a variety of threats.


  • Use magical or technological devices to map out safe routes and detect Bloom Beasts.
  • Establish temporary safe zones and beacons to regroup and restock supplies.
  • Utilize stealth and diversion tactics to avoid unnecessary confrontations with high-tier Bloom Beasts.


  • Employ specialized weapons and tools designed to combat Bloom flora and fauna.
  • Coordinate attacks to exploit the weaknesses of Bloom Beasts.
  • Remain vigilant and adaptive, as the Bloom constantly evolves and changes its tactics.
Location under

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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