Cult of the Bloom

In the world of Largitas, where the relentless advance of aggressive plant growth has reshaped the very fabric of reality, there exists a secretive and enigmatic organization known as the Cult of the Bloom. This cult venerates the Bloom as a divine gift from nature, believing it to be the ultimate expression of the planet's will to reclaim dominion over humanity.   In the shadowy depths of Largitas, where the overgrown wilderness threatens to consume all who dare to tread upon its soil, the Cult of the Bloom lurks like a viper, ready to strike at the heart of civilization. Only by uncovering their secrets and confronting their leaders can the adventurers hope to stem the tide of chaos and preserve what remains of humanity's legacy.


The Cult of the Bloom operates in secrecy, its members hidden among the populace like thorns amidst the foliage. The organization is decentralized, with cells operating independently across Largitas, each led by a charismatic leader known as a Bloommaster.   Bloommasters are revered figures within the cult, possessing powerful Druidic abilities granted to them by the Bloom. They serve as both spiritual guides and military commanders, leading their followers in acts of sabotage, subterfuge, and outright violence against their perceived enemies.


Origins and Beliefs:
The origins of the Cult of the Bloom are shrouded in mystery, with some claiming it dates back to the very beginning of the botanical cataclysm that transformed Largitas. The cult's members see themselves as chosen champions of nature, tasked with spreading the infection far and wide to hasten humanity's return to the wild.   Their beliefs center around the idea that civilization is a blight upon the world, a cancerous growth that must be eradicated to restore balance to the natural order. They see the Bloom as nature's weapon, a tool to be wielded against those who seek to dominate and exploit the land for their own gain.   Recruitment and Initiation:
The Cult of the Bloom seeks out those who harbor a deep-seated resentment towards civilization, drawing them into their ranks with promises of power and purpose. Prospective members undergo a grueling initiation ritual, during which they are exposed to the Bloom and forced to confront their own mortality.   Those who survive the ordeal emerge reborn, their bodies adorned with the telltale signs of the infection. They are welcomed into the fold as brothers and sisters, bound together by a shared devotion to the cause.

Public Agenda

The ultimate goal of the Cult of the Bloom is nothing short of the destruction of civilization as it exists on Largitas. They seek to sow chaos and discord, undermining the foundations of society from within while simultaneously spreading the infection to new regions.   Some within the cult believe that by unleashing the full power of the Bloom, they can trigger a cataclysmic event that will cleanse the world of humanity's influence once and for all, allowing nature to reclaim its rightful place as the dominant force on the planet.

Conflict and Opposition:

The Cult of the Bloom operates in the shadows, striking swiftly and without warning against their enemies. They are feared and reviled by many, seen as fanatical zealots willing to sacrifice anything and anyone in pursuit of their twisted ideals.   Despite their secrecy, the cult has drawn the attention of various factions and organizations across Largitas, each seeking to thwart their plans and eradicate their influence. From the Druidic Circle to the ship cities and beyond, there are those who stand ready to oppose the Cult of the Bloom by any means necessary.
Religious, Cult
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Articles under Cult of the Bloom

Cover image: by Appy Pie Design


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