Eryndor Thalassian

Eryndor Thalassian, as the Bloommaster, represents both the allure and the danger of the Bloom, a figure who embodies the complex relationship between the natural world and the supernatural forces at play in Largitas.  


Eryndor's actions and beliefs put him at odds with most of the world, including the BRASC, various city ships, and even his own people in The Salvine Coraar. Many view the Cult of the Bloom as a dangerous and radical group, willing to sacrifice countless lives in pursuit of their vision. Eryndor's increasing reliance on the Bloom's power also poses a risk to his own sanity and well-being, as the corrupting influence of the Bloom continues to grow within him.

Physical Description

Body Features

Eryndor Thalassian is an imposing figure with an air of quiet authority. He stands tall at around 6'4", with a lean and wiry build typical of the Elven race. His long, silver hair flows down his back, often tied in intricate braids adorned with small leaves and natural ornaments, reflecting his deep connection to nature. His skin has a faint greenish tint, a result of his prolonged exposure to The Bloom's influence, and is smooth and unblemished, though his age shows in the slight weathering around his eyes.

Facial Features

Eryndor's eyes are a striking, vibrant green, with an almost otherworldly glow that intensifies when he uses his powers. They are his most captivating feature, often giving off a serene yet intense gaze that can be both comforting and unsettling. His facial features are sharp and elegant, with high cheekbones, a straight nose, and a strong jawline.

Special abilities

As the Bloommaster, Eryndor wields significant druidic and Bloom-enhanced abilities. He can command plant life with ease, summon and control Bloom Beasts, and manipulate the Bloom's corrupting energies to various ends. His magic is potent and versatile, capable of both healing and destruction. However, these abilities come with a cost, as the Bloom’s influence over his mind and body grows stronger the more he uses its power.

Apparel & Accessories

He typically dresses in robes of deep green and earthy brown, made from finely woven natural fibers. These robes are adorned with intricate patterns of leaves, vines, and flowers, symbolizing his high rank within the Cult of the Bloom. He also wears a cloak that seems to blend with the surrounding foliage, giving him an almost camouflaged appearance in natural settings. Around his neck, he wears a pendant made of a polished piece of wood, a symbol of his devotion to Sylvana, the God of Wood.

Specialized Equipment

1. Staff of Sylvana

The Staff of Sylvana is Eryndor's primary tool and symbol of authority. Made from an ancient, twisted branch from the heart of the Bloom, this staff is imbued with powerful natural magic. It enhances Eryndor's druidic spells, allowing him to summon and control plant life with great precision. The staff also serves as a channel for the energies of the Bloom, enabling him to heal or manipulate flora and fauna. It has a living quality, with small leaves and flowers that bloom and wither according to the staff's use.  

2. Cloak of Verdant Shadows

This cloak is woven from enchanted fibers that blend seamlessly with natural surroundings. It grants Eryndor the ability to move unnoticed through forests and jungles, providing a form of natural camouflage. The cloak also offers protection against environmental hazards, such as extreme weather or poisonous plants. Additionally, it has pockets lined with various herbs and components used in his rituals and spellcasting.  

3. Amulet of the Bloom

The Amulet of the Bloom is a powerful magical artifact that Eryndor wears around his neck. It contains a fragment of The Bloom Heart, the core entity of the Blooming phenomenon. This amulet enhances his connection to the Bloom, allowing him to sense and communicate with the flora and fauna affected by it. It also grants him the ability to resist the harmful effects of the Bloom, such as toxins or mind-altering spores. The amulet glows with a soft, green light, reflecting its mystical properties.  

4. Gauntlets of Nature's Wrath

These gauntlets are made from a combination of enchanted wood and metal, adorned with runes and symbols representing the elements of nature. They enhance Eryndor's physical strength and allow him to channel elemental forces through his hands. This includes summoning vines, manipulating earth, or even calling forth flames. The gauntlets are particularly useful in combat situations, where Eryndor can use them to unleash devastating attacks or protect himself and his allies.  

5. Belt of Blooming

The Belt of Blooming is a utility item that Eryndor wears, which is filled with pouches containing seeds, herbs, and other botanical components. The belt allows him to quickly access these materials for spellcasting, potion-making, or other druidic practices. It also includes small vials of potent elixirs and antidotes, which he uses to heal or protect himself and others. The belt is both practical and symbolic, representing his role as a steward of the natural world.  

6. Tome of Sylvana's Secrets

This ancient book contains the collected knowledge and rituals of the Cult of the Bloom, passed down through generations of Bloommasters. Eryndor uses this tome to study and perform complex rituals, as well as to teach the cult's acolytes. The tome is bound in living wood and adorned with intricate carvings that shift and change, reflecting the ever-evolving nature of the Bloom. It is a priceless artifact and a source of great wisdom and power.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

1. Early Life and Connection to Nature

Eryndor was born in a remote village near the borders of the Bloom Zone, a place where the Bloom's influence was already becoming evident. From a young age, he showed an unusual affinity for nature, particularly with plants and animals that had been altered by the Bloom. His parents, both followers of druidic traditions, recognized his potential and encouraged his talents, fostering a deep reverence for the natural world in him.  

2. Discovery of Blooming Abilities

As Eryndor grew older, he began to experience symptoms of the Bloom infection, but unlike most who were terrified by these changes, he embraced them. The infection granted him powerful druidic abilities, and rather than succumb to the Bloom's control, Eryndor sought to understand and master it. He delved into ancient texts and sought out the knowledge of elders, learning to control his powers and gaining insights into the Bloom itself.  

3. Joining the Cult of the Bloom

Impressed by his unique abilities and his growing mastery over the Bloom, Eryndor was invited to join the Cult of the Bloom, an organization that revered the Bloom as a force of transformation and potential. He quickly rose through the ranks, demonstrating both his power and his charisma. Eryndor's approach was different from many in the cult; he believed the Bloom was not just a force to be worshipped but a tool that could be harnessed to reshape the world.  

4. Conflict and Challenge

The previous Bloommaster, a stern and traditional leader, saw Eryndor's ideas as dangerous and heretical. However, Eryndor's growing popularity and the support he garnered within the cult made him a force to be reckoned with. The tension between the two came to a head during a great Bloom event, where Eryndor's actions saved many cult members and demonstrated his superior control over the Bloom's powers. This pivotal moment swayed many to his side.  

5. The Rite of Ascension

Traditionally, the position of Bloommaster is passed through a ritual known as the Rite of Ascension, where candidates must prove their worthiness through a series of trials. Eryndor, confident in his abilities, challenged the incumbent Bloommaster. The rite included mastering the Bloom's powers, interpreting the will of the Bloom Heart, and a final trial that required the candidates to commune with the Bloom Heart directly.   Eryndor succeeded in all the trials, his deep connection with the Bloom Heart allowing him to perceive and manipulate its energies in ways never seen before. The final trial, in particular, demonstrated his vision for the future and his unyielding will, winning over the remaining skeptics within the cult.  

6. Becoming Bloommaster

Upon completing the Rite of Ascension, Eryndor was declared the new Bloommaster. His rise marked a new era for the Cult of the Bloom, one focused not merely on worship but on actively reshaping the world in the image of the Bloom. As Bloommaster, Eryndor now leads the cult with a vision of a world transformed, using his unique powers and insights to guide the cult and its followers toward this goal. His leadership is marked by a blend of charisma, ruthlessness, and an unshakable belief in the potential of the Bloom.  


After becoming Bloommaster, Eryndor underwent a great metamorphosis, which was both a physical and spiritual transformation, reflecting his deep connection with the Bloom and the power it granted him. This transformation was a significant part of his ascension, marking him as a chosen vessel of the Bloom's will.  

Physical Changes

Vine-like Growths:
Eryndor's skin became intertwined with vine-like growths, which appeared to pulse with a subtle green glow. These vines were not merely decorative; they were a manifestation of his symbiotic relationship with the Bloom. The vines could extend or retract at will, often responding to Eryndor's emotions or thoughts, and they granted him enhanced strength and agility.   Eyes of the Bloom:
Eryndor's eyes transformed, taking on a deep green hue with intricate, leaf-like patterns in the irises. These "Eyes of the Bloom" allowed him to perceive the world in ways that normal eyes could not. He could see the flow of life energy, detect the presence of other Bloom-infected beings, and even perceive the subtle shifts in the environment caused by the Bloom.   Floral Accents:
Small, delicate flowers began to grow from his hair and skin, changing with the seasons and reflecting his mood. These flowers were not just for show; they emitted a faint, calming scent and could produce spores with various effects, such as healing or inducing sleep in others.   Aura of Life:
Eryndor developed an aura that subtly influenced the environment around him. Plants would grow more vibrant in his presence, and animals would react with a mixture of awe and fear. This aura also had a passive regenerative effect, allowing minor wounds to heal faster and bestowing a sense of calm to those who were near him.  

Spiritual Changes

Enhanced Connection to the Bloom Heart:
The metamorphosis deepened Eryndor's connection to the Bloom Heart, the source of the Bloom's power. This connection allowed him to communicate directly with the Bloom Heart, gaining insights and visions about its will and the future it envisioned. This connection also granted him the ability to channel the Bloom's power more efficiently, making him a formidable druidic spellcaster.   Empathy with the Bloom:
Eryndor developed an empathy for all living things, especially those altered by the Bloom. He could sense their emotions and intentions, and this empathic ability extended to understanding the pain and desires of the Bloom itself. This empathy made him both a compassionate leader and a ruthless protector of the Bloom's interests.   Transformation of Purpose:
Eryndor's metamorphosis also solidified his vision for the future. He became convinced that the Bloom was not a curse but a necessary evolution for the world. This belief shaped his actions and decisions as Bloommaster, guiding the Cult of the Bloom toward a future where the Bloom's influence would reshape the world.

Impact on Leadership

The metamorphosis was a powerful symbol within the Cult of the Bloom, marking Eryndor as the true representative of the Bloom's will. His transformation inspired awe and reverence among the cult's followers and reinforced his authority as Bloommaster. However, it also isolated him from those who viewed the Bloom with fear or disdain, making him a polarizing figure both within and outside the cult.

Intellectual Characteristics


Eryndor is charismatic and intelligent, with a calm and authoritative demeanor. He possesses a magnetic presence, able to inspire and lead the Cult’s followers with ease. Despite his gentle exterior, he harbors a zealous belief in the power and potential of the Bloom. Eryndor is unwavering in his conviction that the Bloom is a divine gift meant to transform the world, even if it comes at great cost.  

Role and Goals:

Eryndor believes that the Bloom is the next step in the natural evolution of the world, a gift from Sylvana, the God of Wood. He aims to spread the Bloom's influence, believing it to be a cleansing force that will restore balance to a world plagued by conflict and decay. Under his leadership, the Cult of the Bloom seeks to expand its territory, convert new followers, and uncover the true nature of the Bloom. Eryndor's ultimate goal is to awaken the full potential of the Bloom Heart, believing it to be the key to a new era for the world of Largitas.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Striking, vibrant green, with an otherworldly glow behind them
Long, silver and often tied in intricate braids adorned with small leaves and natural ornaments
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Has a faint, greenish tint, and is smooth and unblemished
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Appy Pie Design
Character Portrait image: Eryndor Thalassian by Appy Pie Design


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