Earth's Embrace

Earth's Embrace is a profound and heartfelt festival that honors Terran, the God of Earth. It is a time of gratitude, renewal, and celebration, where communities come together to honor the earth and its cycles. Through rituals, stories, and communal activities, the festival teaches the importance of living in harmony with nature, valuing community, and preparing for the future.  


The 15th of Harvestend, marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of preparation for winter.  


Earth's Embrace celebrates Terran, the God of Earth, who represents stability, strength, and the nurturing aspects of the land. The festival is a time to give thanks for the bounty of the earth, to honor the cycles of nature, and to prepare for the colder months ahead. It emphasizes themes of gratitude, community, and renewal.


Legacy and Impact:

Cultural Influence: Earth's Embrace reinforces the cultural importance of the earth and its cycles. It teaches the value of gratitude, community, and renewal, and encourages people to live in harmony with nature.
Community Bonding: The festival strengthens community bonds by bringing people together to celebrate, share, and give thanks. It fosters a sense of unity and shared purpose.
Sustainability: By emphasizing the importance of the earth and its resources, Earth's Embrace encourages sustainable practices and a deep respect for the environment.  

Stories and Legends


The First Earth's Embrace:

According to legend, the first Earth's Embrace was celebrated by Terran himself. In ancient times, a great drought threatened the land. Terran, seeing the suffering of the people, descended from his mountain and blessed the earth, bringing forth a bountiful harvest. In gratitude, the people dedicated the autumn equinox to Terran, celebrating the earth and its gifts.  

The Tale of the Stone Guardian:

A popular tale told during Earth's Embrace is the story of the Stone Guardian, a mythical creature created by Terran to protect the land. The Stone Guardian is said to awaken during times of great need, using its strength and wisdom to guide and protect the people.  

The Earth Mother's Blessing:

Another legend speaks of the Earth Mother, a spirit of the land who appears during Earth's Embrace. She is said to bless those who show true respect and gratitude for the earth, granting them fertile lands and abundant harvests.



Harvest Festival: The main event involves a communal harvest festival where people come together to share food, stories, and music. This festival includes games, contests, and performances that celebrate the earth and its bounty.
Stone Blessing: Priests of Terran perform rituals to bless the stones and the land. This includes laying hands on stones and boulders, chanting prayers, and anointing them with sacred oils.
Planting Trees: As a symbol of renewal and future growth, communities plant trees during the festival. These trees are often dedicated to Terran and are considered sacred.  


The Earthen Altar: An altar made of stone and earth is constructed in a central location. People bring offerings of fruits, vegetables, and grains to place on the altar, giving thanks for the harvest.
The Grounding Ceremony: Participants gather in a circle around a large stone or boulder. They place their hands on the earth and meditate, connecting with the strength and stability of the land. This ceremony is believed to ground individuals and prepare them for the challenges of winter.
Burial of Intentions: People write their hopes and intentions for the coming year on pieces of parchment. These are then buried in the ground as a way to plant their desires and allow them to grow.  

Notable Events:

The Stone Parade: A parade featuring floats, costumes, and displays made from stone and other natural materials. The highlight is a massive statue of Terran, which is carried through the streets.
The Great Earthen Feast: A communal feast where everyone brings dishes made from the harvest. Long tables are set up in town squares, and people share food, stories, and laughter.
The Harvest Dance: A traditional dance that celebrates the cycles of nature. Participants wear costumes made from leaves, vines, and other natural materials, and they dance in patterns that mimic the movements of the earth and seasons.

Components and tools

Decorations: Towns and villages are adorned with symbols of the earth, including sheaves of wheat, cornucopias, and garlands of autumn leaves. Stone sculptures and carvings of Terran are prominently displayed.
Feasting: A grand feast is prepared using the last of the harvest. This includes a variety of vegetables, fruits, grains, and meats, showcasing the abundance provided by the earth.
Crafts and Offerings: People create pottery, stone carvings, and other crafts to offer to Terran. These offerings are often placed at shrines or buried in the ground as a sign of respect and gratitude.
Primary Related Location

Cover image: by Appy Pie Design


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