
The super continent of Largitas was once a land of vibrant and varied ecosystems, teeming with diverse civilisations and landscapes, until a cataclysmic event forever changed its face. An unprecedented surge of aggressive plant growth overran the majority of the land, transforming the once-balanced ecosystems into a tangled labyrinth of verdant chaos.  

Society and Culture

City Ships:
In response to the Bloom, the city ships emerged as floating bastions of civilization. These massive vessels serve as both homes and mobile fortresses, ensuring safety from the dangers on land. Each city ship has a distinct culture and purpose, such as The Celestial Arcadia, which focuses on knowledge and cultural preservation, and The Verdant Refuge, which is dedicated to agriculture and survival training.   New Social Dynamics:
The creation of the city ships caused significant societal upheaval. Traditional land-based power structures weakened as people moved to the safety of the ships. A new meritocratic system emerged, especially in places like the Celestial Arcadia, where communal child-rearing and rigorous testing determine one's role.   Technological and Magical Advancements:
The need for defense and survival led to innovations such as the Bloomshield Generators, devices that protect against the Bloom's corrupting influence. Alchemists and engineers continue to explore the Bloom's transformative properties, seeking both to protect against and harness its power.   Religious and Cultural Shifts:
The event of The Blooming caused a crisis of faith for many, leading to the rise of new religious movements and the strengthening of others. The Cult of the Bloom, led by figures like Eryndor Thalassian, views the Bloom as a divine punishment or transformation. Festivals and rituals, such as the Creation Day and The Night of Flames, continue to honor the pantheon, though their meanings have evolved in the post-Bloom world.  

Economy and Trade

Resource Management:
The Bloom's corruption of the land has made resource management critical. The city ships rely heavily on trade and controlled farming, using hybrid species and protected environments to ensure food security.   Trade and Diplomacy:
The Salvine Coraar and other regions continue to trade with the city ships, exchanging goods, information, and cultural artifacts. Diplomatic relations are essential for maintaining peace and ensuring the survival of all inhabitants.   Adventuring and Exploration:
The Bloom Zone is a source of both danger and opportunity. Adventurers, mercenaries, and scholars venture into the Zone to retrieve valuable resources, study its mysteries, or combat the Bloom Beasts. Organizations like the Bloom Research and Scouting Corps (BRASC) play a vital role in these efforts.  

Challenges and Threats

Bloom Beasts and Living Flora:
The continent is plagued by mutated creatures and sentient plant life, ranging from Bloom Shamblers to hostile vegetation. These beings pose a constant threat to all life on Largitas.   Environmental Hazards:
The Bloom has destabilized the environment, causing unpredictable weather patterns, toxic landscapes, and dangerous magical phenomena.   Internal Conflicts and Power Struggles:
The new societal structures, including the city ships and remaining land-based territories, face internal challenges. Corruption, resource scarcity, and differing ideologies can lead to tension and conflict.  

Hope and Resilience

Despite the many challenges, the people of Largitas continue to adapt and find ways to thrive. The Bloom, while a source of fear and danger, has also spurred innovation, resilience, and a deeper understanding of the world's mysteries. The future of Largitas remains uncertain, but its inhabitants are determined to carve out a place for themselves in this transformed world.


The Overgrown World:
Largitas, once a land of diverse landscapes including lush forests, arid deserts, and towering mountains, is now dominated by an unending sea of vegetation. Gigantic vines, towering trees, and carnivorous plants sprawl across the continent, choking out other forms of life. The remnants of civilization are now hidden beneath the thick canopy or engulfed by the relentless growth.   The Bloom Zone:
The continent's central regions, now known as The Bloom Zone, are dominated by chaotic and ever-changing landscapes. This area is divided into four progressively dangerous layers: The Outskirts, The Wilds, The Heartlands, and The Core. Each layer has unique challenges, with the Core being the most perilous, most probably harboring the truth about the Blooming.   The Spread of Flora and Fauna:
The Bloom's influence extended beyond the Zone, altering ecosystems and climates. New, often dangerous, species of plants and animals emerged, some carrying the potential for great harm or benefit. The landscape is dotted with strange growths, such as Fungal Overgrowths, which feed off decay.   Islands and Peninsulas:
The coastal regions and islands, like the Isle of Bromleck, remain somewhat shielded from the full impact of the Bloom. These areas became refuges for those seeking to escape the corrupted mainland.


  • Largitas

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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