
The Elves of Largitas are a reclusive and ancient race, known for their deep connection to nature and their long history on the continent. Following the rise of the Bloom, most Elves retreated to the island of Bar-Oinur, isolating themselves from the rest of the world. Their isolation and their perceived association with nature have led to prejudice and suspicion from other Ancestries.  


Location: Bar-Oinur is a large, lush island located off the eastern coast of Largitas. It is renowned for its pristine forests, crystal-clear lakes, and serene landscapes. The island is surrounded by treacherous waters and dense fog, making it difficult to approach without Elven guidance.   Inhabitants: The island is home to the majority of the remaining Elves, who live in harmony with nature and maintain their ancient traditions. Their settlements are hidden within the forest canopy, built in a way that blends seamlessly with the natural environment.  

Interaction with the Outside World:

Limited Contact: The Elves maintain minimal contact with the City Ships and other Ancestries. They occasionally send emissaries or offer aid in times of dire need, but these interactions are rare and often shrouded in secrecy.   Perception: Their isolation has led to misunderstandings and tensions with other groups. Some view the Elves as aloof or untrustworthy, while others believe that they hold secrets about the Bloom or possess knowledge that could be crucial to combating it.  

Current Status:

The Elves of Largitas continue to live in their secluded haven, preserving their way of life and maintaining their ancient traditions. While their isolation has led to strained relations with the outside world, they remain a key part of the continent's history and a potential ally in the ongoing struggle against the Bloom.


Culture and cultural heritage

Political Structure:

Leadership: The Elves of Bar-Oinur are governed by a council of elders known as the Sylvan Council. This council is composed of the most respected and wise members of Elven society, who make decisions based on tradition, wisdom, and the well-being of their people.    Defense: The island is protected by powerful magical wards and natural defenses. The Elves employ ancient druidic magic and enchanted barriers to keep intruders at bay and to safeguard their homeland from external threats.

Shared customary codes and values

The Elves have chosen to isolate themselves from the rest of the world, partly to avoid the effects of the Bloom and partly to preserve their way of life. Their withdrawal from external affairs has led to a perception of aloofness and detachment from the struggles of other Ancestries.   Prejudice
Due to their closeness to nature and the mistaken belief that they might be linked to the Bloom, Elves are often viewed with suspicion and prejudice by other Ancestries. They are seen as potential carriers of the Bloom or as indifferent to the suffering of others.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Elves maintain a rich cultural heritage, with a focus on preserving ancient knowledge, magical practices, and a deep respect for the natural world. They conduct ceremonies and rituals that honor their connection to nature and the legacy of their ancestors.

Common Myths and Legends

The Elven Prophecy: There is an Elven prophecy that speaks of a time when the Elves will emerge from their isolation to play a critical role in the salvation of the world. This prophecy is a source of hope for the Elves and a topic of speculation among other Ancestries.   The Sacred Grove: A revered location on Bar-Oinur, the Sacred Grove is believed to be a place of immense magical power and ancient Elven lore. It is said that the Grove holds secrets about the origins of the Bloom and the fate of the world.

Historical figures

Related Organizations

Cover image: Elf Header by Appy Pie Design


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