The Salvine Coraar

The Salvine Coraar, known as the Queendom of the Elves, is a realm steeped in ancient traditions, mystical lore, and natural beauty. It encompasses a sizable area on the eastern peninsula of Largitas and the island of Bar-Oinur. The mainland is predominantly inhabited by half-elves, while the island of Bar-Oinur serves as the sanctuary and heartland of the full-blooded elves.   The Salvine Coraar remains a beacon of elven culture and tradition, striving to preserve its ancient heritage while facing the challenges of a world threatened by the Bloom.


Queen Arannis Faelar: The current ruler of Salvine Coraar, Queen Arannis is a wise and powerful elven sorceress who commands deep respect among her people. She rules from the capital city of Elarion on Bar-Oinur and maintains a delicate balance of power between the island and mainland.   Council of Elders: An advisory body consisting of the oldest and wisest elves, the Council of Elders provides guidance and support to the queen. They are guardians of elven lore and traditions.   Mainland Governors: Half-elven leaders govern the various communities on the mainland, reporting directly to the queen and ensuring that the laws and customs of Salvine Coraar are upheld.


Elven Society: The elves of Salvine Coraar are deeply connected to nature and magic. Their society is built around reverence for the natural world and a strict adherence to ancient traditions. They are skilled in various forms of magic, art, and craftsmanship.   Half-Elves: On the mainland, half-elves live in close-knit communities, maintaining a balance between elven traditions and the practicalities of living on the fringes of human and elven society. They often serve as intermediaries between the mainland and the island.


Key Locations

Elarion: The capital city of Salvine Coraar, located on Bar-Oinur. Elarion is a city of immense beauty, with elegant buildings woven into the natural landscape, enchanted gardens, and towering spires. It is the center of elven culture, politics, and magic.   Pollow: The primary port city on the mainland, Pollow is a bustling hub of trade and interaction between elves, half-elves, and other ancestries. It serves as the gateway to Bar-Oinur and is known for its vibrant markets and diverse population.   The Whispering Woods: A mystical forest on the mainland, known for its ancient trees and powerful magical energies. It is said that the spirits of the forest whisper secrets to those who are pure of heart.


Customs and Festivals

Festival of the Moon: A celebration held on Bar-Oinur to honor the goddess of the moon. It features music, dance, and magical displays under the full moon.    Harvest of the Ancients: A mainland festival celebrating the end of the harvest season. It includes feasts, storytelling, and rituals to honor the ancestors and spirits of the land.

"Aul ala ausa Or, sar deth" ("In Harmony with Nature (Wood), We Endure")

Challenges and Conflicts

Isolation and Prejudice: The elves' retreat to Bar-Oinur has led to isolation and a growing prejudice against them among other ancestries. They are often viewed with suspicion and fear due to their perceived closeness to nature and the Bloom.   Bloom Threat: The encroaching Bloom poses a significant threat to both the mainland and Bar-Oinur. The elves are deeply committed to finding a way to stop the Bloom and protect their homeland.   Internal Tensions: The division between the full-blooded elves on Bar-Oinur and the half-elves on the mainland can sometimes lead to tensions and conflicts. Balancing the needs and desires of both groups is a constant challenge for the queen.
Geopolitical, Queendom
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

Notable Figures

Queen Arannis Faelar: A wise and powerful ruler, deeply connected to the magical and natural world. She is known for her compassion, strength, and dedication to her people.   Elder Syltharion: A member of the Council of Elders, Syltharion is a master of ancient magic and lore. He is a key advisor to the queen and a respected figure in elven society.   Governor Lianna Vrael: A prominent half-elven leader on the mainland, Lianna is known for her diplomatic skills and efforts to maintain harmony between the mainland and Bar-Oinur.

Cover image: Elf Header by Appy Pie Design
Character flag image: Salvine Coraar Crest by Appy Pie Design


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