The Celestial Arcadia

The Celestial Arcadia is a marvel of elegance and refinement amidst the chaos of the world of Largitas. Built upon a fleet of repurposed luxury liners and cruise ships, this ship city stands as a testament to human creativity and ingenuity. Its gleaming spires and towering skyscrapers reach towards the heavens, casting a radiant glow upon the endless expanse of the ocean.   In the world of Largitas, where danger lurks around every corner and survival is never guaranteed, the Celestial Arcadia stands as a shining beacon of culture and sophistication. From its vibrant Theater District to its majestic Sky Gardens, the city is a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity in the face of adversity, a sanctuary of beauty and harmony amidst the chaos of the open seas.  

Cultural Practices:

Communal Child-Rearing

Collective Parenting: Children are raised communally by designated caregivers and educators known as Mentors. This approach emphasizes a collective responsibility for nurturing and educating the next generation, fostering a strong sense of community and shared purpose.   Annual Assessments: Every year, children undergo rigorous testing to assess their strengths, weaknesses, and potential. These assessments help determine their future roles within the City Ship, ensuring that each individual can contribute in the most effective way possible.   Meritocratic Placement: Based on the assessments, children are guided into specific fields such as science, arts, governance, or other areas vital to the ship’s functioning. This system promotes a meritocratic society where individuals are valued for their abilities and contributions.  

Intellectual and Cultural Pursuits

Scholarship and Innovation: The Celestial Arcadia prides itself on being a beacon of knowledge. The pursuit of learning is highly esteemed, with many citizens engaged in research, experimentation, and the arts. The ship houses vast libraries, research labs, and art studios.   Cultural Preservation: The ship is also dedicated to preserving the cultural heritage of its people. This includes maintaining records of historical events, cultural traditions, literature, and art forms. Festivals, performances, and exhibitions are common, celebrating the richness of their heritage.   Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Citizens are encouraged to collaborate across disciplines, fostering innovation and new ways of thinking. This culture of collaboration extends to all aspects of life on the ship, from scientific research to artistic expression.  

Social Structure and Values

Meritocracy: The society of the Celestial Arcadia is meritocratic, with positions of influence and responsibility earned through demonstrated skill and knowledge. This system encourages continual self-improvement and lifelong learning.   Inclusivity and Diversity: While the ship predominantly houses Humans and Gnomes, it is open to individuals from all ancestries, provided they contribute to its intellectual and cultural goals. This inclusivity is a core value, promoting diversity of thought and experience.   Shared Governance: The governance of the Celestial Arcadia is highly participatory, with councils and committees made up of elected representatives from various sectors. Decisions are made through debate and consensus, reflecting the ship’s commitment to democratic principles.  

Daily Life and Activities

Education and Training: Education is a lifelong pursuit, with a strong emphasis on developing critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Citizens have access to a wide range of educational resources and are encouraged to continuously expand their knowledge.   Cultural Events: The ship hosts regular cultural events, including art exhibitions, musical performances, and theatrical productions. These events are both a celebration of the ship’s heritage and a platform for showcasing new works and ideas.   Scientific Exploration: Research and exploration are central to life on the Celestial Arcadia. The ship's inhabitants are actively involved in studying the Bloom, developing new technologies, and understanding the world around them.


In the gleaming spires and bustling streets of the Celestial Arcadia, a diverse blend of humans, gnomes, and other ancestries come together in pursuit of knowledge, magic, and understanding. The city's population, primarily comprised of humans and gnomes, with a sprinkling of other ancestries, forms a vibrant tapestry of intellect, innovation, and collaboration.   Humans:
As the most populous ancestry within the Celestial Arcadia, humans play a central role in the city's cultural, academic, and political life. Known for their adaptability, ambition, and thirst for knowledge, humans are found in all walks of life within the city, from scholars and mages to merchants and artisans. Their diverse perspectives and talents enrich the city's intellectual landscape, driving innovation and discovery in fields ranging from arcane research to cultural exchange.   Gnomes:
Gnomes, renowned for their arcane prowess, ingenuity, and love of invention, form the backbone of the Celestial Arcadia's magical community. As scholars, wizards, and artificers, gnomes play a crucial role in advancing the city's arcane practices and unraveling the mysteries of the catastrophe that claimed the lands of their world. Their insatiable curiosity and boundless creativity drive them to push the boundaries of magical research and experimentation, seeking answers to the most profound questions of existence.   Other Ancestries:
While humans and gnomes comprise the majority of the Celestial Arcadia's population, a diverse array of other ancestries also call the city home. Elves, with their natural affinity for magic and mysticism, contribute their arcane insights and ancient wisdom to the city's magical academies and research facilities. Halflings and dwarves, with their practical skills and craftsmanship, lend their expertise to the city's artisanal workshops and engineering projects.


1. The High Council:
At the pinnacle of the Celestial Arcadia's governmental structure lies the High Council, a governing body comprised of the city's most influential leaders and luminaries. The High Council is responsible for setting the city's policies, overseeing its administration, and guiding its direction in matters of governance and diplomacy. It is comprised of representatives from various sectors of society, including nobles, scholars, artists, and merchants, each bringing their own perspective and expertise to the table.   2. The Grand Chancellor:
The Grand Chancellor serves as the head of the High Council and the highest-ranking official in the Celestial Arcadia's government. Elected by the members of the High Council, the Grand Chancellor is responsible for presiding over council meetings, mediating disputes, and representing the city's interests on the international stage. They are chosen for their wisdom, integrity, and leadership abilities, tasked with guiding the city through times of prosperity and adversity alike.   3. The Departments of Governance:
The Departments of Governance are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Celestial Arcadia's government, implementing the policies set forth by the High Council, and ensuring the smooth functioning of the city's various administrative functions. Each department is headed by a Director appointed by the Grand Chancellor and is comprised of civil servants and bureaucrats tasked with specific responsibilities related to governance, infrastructure, commerce, culture, and public safety.   4. The Council of Elders:
The Council of Elders serves as an advisory body to the High Council, comprised of respected individuals from across the city who have demonstrated wisdom, experience, and dedication to the betterment of society. The Council of Elders provides guidance and counsel to the High Council on matters of policy and governance, drawing upon their collective knowledge and expertise to inform decision-making and ensure the city's long-term prosperity and stability.   5. The Guilds and Societies:
The Celestial Arcadia is home to a myriad of guilds, societies, and organizations representing various professions, trades, and interests within the city. These organizations play an important role in the city's governmental structure, serving as liaisons between the government and the populace, advocating for the interests of their members, and providing essential services and resources to the community. Representatives from the guilds and societies often sit on advisory boards and committees, offering their expertise and perspective on matters of policy and governance.


Theater District:
The heart of the Celestial Arcadia is its vibrant Theater District, where performers and artists from across Largitas gather to entertain and delight the city's inhabitants. The district is alive with the sound of music and laughter, as theaters, concert halls, and art galleries abound, showcasing the talents of the world's most gifted artisans.   Arcane Academies:
The city is home to a series of prestigious arcane academies, where scholars and wizards study the mysteries of magic and unlock the secrets of the cosmos. Towering libraries and laboratories line the streets, filled with ancient tomes and arcane artifacts waiting to be discovered. Students from far and wide flock to the Celestial Arcadia to hone their skills and pursue enlightenment.   Sky Gardens:
At the highest reaches of the Celestial Arcadia lie the Sky Gardens, lush oases of greenery and tranquility that offer respite from the hustle and bustle of city life. Here, nobles and dignitaries gather to enjoy the beauty of nature and bask in the splendor of the world below. The gardens are a testament to the city's commitment to beauty and harmony, serving as a symbol of hope and renewal in a world consumed by chaos.

Points of interest

Grand Libraries and Museums:
The Celestial Arcadia boasts some of the most magnificent libraries and museums in all of Largitas, housing vast collections of knowledge and artifacts from across the continent. Scholars and researchers come from far and wide to study in the city's hallowed halls, delving into ancient texts and unraveling the mysteries of the past.


Cultural Festivals and Galas:
The city is a hub of culture and sophistication, hosting a myriad of festivals, galas, and celebrations throughout the year. From extravagant masquerade balls to elegant garden parties, there is always something happening in the Celestial Arcadia to entertain and delight its inhabitants. The city's streets are alive with music and revelry, as people from all walks of life come together to celebrate the beauty and diversity of the world.

Challenges and Adaptations

Balancing Individuality and Community: While the communal upbringing fosters a strong sense of community, it can sometimes challenge personal identity and individuality. The society strives to balance these aspects, encouraging personal expression while maintaining communal values.   Navigating Change: As a society dedicated to knowledge, the Celestial Arcadia is constantly evolving. This can lead to tensions between tradition and innovation, as the community navigates the challenges of staying true to its values while embracing new ideas.   General: Despite its idyllic appearance, the Celestial Arcadia faces numerous challenges in its quest to maintain its status as a beacon of culture and sophistication in the world of Largitas. Economic inequality, social unrest, and political intrigue threaten to undermine the city's stability, while external threats such as piracy and espionage pose constant dangers to its inhabitants.
Large city
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank

Articles under The Celestial Arcadia

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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