The Tale of the Eternal Twins

The Tale of the Eternal Twins is a story told most often at celebrations of The Festival of Birth and Rebirth, recounting the legend of the Champions of Liora, God of Birth, and Mortis, God of Death.


The Tale of the Eternal Twins is a legend in Largitas about Lyra and Thane, twin siblings and champions of the gods Liora, God of Birth and Mortis, God of Death. Born under a celestial alignment, they were destined for greatness. Lyra was gifted with the power of life, healing and nurturing those around her, while Thane wielded the power of death, guiding souls to the afterlife and protecting the living from malevolent spirits.   As they grew, Lyra and Thane became revered figures, embodying the cycle of life and death. Together, they maintained the balance between these forces, ensuring harmony in the world. Their story culminates in a meeting with the gods that chose them, welcoming them into the afterlife and ascending to the heavens as eternal guardians of life and death.   Their legacy endures in Largitas as a symbol of the interconnectedness of birth and death, reminding people of the importance of balance in the cycle of existence. The Tale of the Eternal Twins is celebrated in the Festival of Birth and Rebirth, where their story is retold to honor their lives and teachings.

Articles under The Tale of the Eternal Twins

Cover image: by Appy Pie Design


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