
The City of Skilled Hands   Banjul started as an old, impoverished fishing village up the coast from the egregiously large city, Brigid. Banjul's origin is lost to history. Despite its prominence for the past millennium, no definitive answer into its origins have been discovered. Local elders claim Banjul has been in existence just as long, if not longer, than Brigid - providing the "blessings of the Dust" to nourish the Capital's growth.   Regardless of its mysterious origins, none can deny the importance of Banjul as a critical city for the Kingdom of Reole's influence across Vanahar and through the Expanse. Banjul was the site of first contact between the first explorers of Midos when they arrived on Vanahar. Local leaders were quick to trade their innovations and inventions for the technology of the explorers.   Throughout the decades and centuries that followed, immigrants from Midos integrated themselves into Banjul and Reole as a whole. While Brigid existed as the primary trading hub of Reole, Banjul existed as the primary immigration port.   Since the Fault of Banjul in 4996, the city has been in a state of rebuild.


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