The Bound Expanse


  At the breaking of the world, all civilizations were snuffed out. However, life endured. The continents split to become the nine isolas. Dust, magical particles once contained beneath the world's crust and lined within its oceans, expanded to fill the space between isolas.   The oceans of the world, with no land left to contain them, drained into the space between becoming asteroid fields of ice.   Creatures of the ocean adapted to life in the dust. The Chosen of the Nine believe Syl had a hand in this adaptation. The abundance of dust on and around the isolas caused other life to adapt in other ways as well (Sonya still gets her dust bunny).   For roughly thousand years, the isolas existed in isolation. Societies rose and fell on each isola, disconnected from the others until the invention of solar sails on Midos. Explorers took to the stars to discover the long routes between isolas. It is believed that most were found but the safety and sanity of the explorers was not always guaranteed. The route between Midos and Vanahar was the shortest, only taking a few months to traverse.   Another two thousand years passed before a scientist from Brigid (capital city of the Reole Empire on Vanahar) discovered the power held within dustborne creatures - primarily whales. In partnership with the Reinhardt Trading Company, a refining process for whale oil was developed - kickstarting the industrial revolution of Reole. Fishing and whaling families/companies increased in prominence, even rivaling noble familes of Reole.    Large cetacea engine ships utilizing whale oil as fuel sped up travel. With the assistance of an island port (will need a name from Sonya) at the midpoint, the route between Midos and Vanahar quickly became the most profitable and well traveled route.   Our adventure begins at the port city between Midos and Vanahar.


  • The Bound Expanse
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