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Elemental plane of fire


The Elemental Plane of Fire is one of the four primary elemental planes, a realm of intense heat and flame. This plane is characterized by its hostile environment, where the landscape is dominated by vast seas of compressed fire that behave similarly to water. The plane is a constantly shifting and dangerous place, filled with plumes of flame that erupt from the lava and transform into clouds of oily ash and flame. The air is thick with toxic gases, making it unbreathable for most humanoids. Those not immune to fire are incinerated upon entry, metals melt, and water instantly vaporizes into steam.


The Elemental Plane of Fire is an ever-changing landscape of fiery seas and floating islands. The fire seas are composed of compressed fire, acting much like water in their fluidity and motion. Occasionally, these fiery bodies erupt into massive plumes that ascend into the air, becoming clouds of ash and flame that darken the sky.   Among these seas of fire are scattered islands of rock that float atop the burning expanse. These islands provide the only solid ground and are often the location of settlements and structures. The heat is so intense that even the rocks themselves can become molten at times, and the environment is constantly in flux, with new islands forming and old ones being consumed by the flames.


The Elemental Plane of Fire is home to a variety of fire-based creatures, each adapted to the extreme conditions of the plane. Notable inhabitants include:
  Salamanders: These serpentine beings thrive in the intense heat, often seen swimming through the fire seas or basking on the floating islands.
Fire Bats: These creatures navigate the smoky skies, their bodies wreathed in flame as they hunt for smaller fire elementals and other prey.
Fire Elementals: Manifestations of pure flame, these beings roam the plane, embodying the chaotic and destructive nature of fire.
  The plane is also the original home of the Efreeti , powerful beings of fire and smoke. The Efreeti have established grand palaces and cities amidst the fiery expanse, showcasing their dominance and control over the plane. These palaces are marvels of architecture, built from materials that can withstand the intense heat and flames.  

Environment and Survival

Survival in the Elemental Plane of Fire is nearly impossible for those not inherently resistant or immune to fire. The toxic gases and extreme temperatures present immediate and lethal challenges. Most metals quickly melt, and any water brought into the plane is vaporized almost instantly.
  Magic and technology are often required for non-native beings to survive here. Spells and items that grant protection from fire are essential, and even then, the constant threat of the toxic atmosphere and unstable ground make prolonged stays hazardous.
Dimensional plane


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