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Elves are a magical race of otherworldly grace, existing in the world but never fully part of it. They reside in places of ethereal beauty, whether amidst ancient forests or within silvery spires glowing with faerie light, where soft music drifts through the air and delicate fragrances fill the breeze. Elves cherish nature and magic, art and craftsmanship, music and poetry, and the finer things in life.


With their unearthly grace and fine features, elves appear hauntingly beautiful to humans and members of many other races. They are slightly shorter than humans on average, ranging from well under 5 feet tall to just over 6 feet. They are more slender than humans, weighing only 100 to 145 pounds. Males and females are about the same height, and males are only marginally heavier than females.

Races of Elves

Elves have been on the material plane long enough to split into many difrent subraces. these are:

High Elves

High Elves are the epitome of elven grace and intellect. Their once-majestic city of Quel'Lutaan, renowned for its towering spires and intricate architecture, was destroyed, and the Obsidian Rot has since driven them to the verge of extinction. Now scattered and few in number, High Elves are often found seeking refuge in hidden enclaves, dedicating their long lives to the pursuit of knowledge and mastery of the mystical arts. They hold themselves to high standards of culture and etiquette, often considering themselves the keepers of elven tradition and lore, despite their diminished numbers.

Wood Elves

Wood Elves, or Sylvan Elves, are closely tied to the natural world and live in harmony with the forests they inhabit. They moved into the Palatine Forest to establish their kingdom, which has since descended into civil war. Known for their agility, keen senses, and exceptional skills in archery and guerrilla warfare, Wood Elves are formidable defenders of their woodland homes. Their settlements, hidden among the trees and blending seamlessly with the environment, reflect their values of freedom and personal strength, even amidst the turmoil of internal conflict.


Drow, also known as Dark Elves, dwell in the vast subterranean realms, having established the Zalukan Dynasty l beneath the Darklands. This society embraces isolation and a culture of intrigue, betrayal, and ruthless ambition. The Drow are known for their dark skin, white hair, and affinity for stealth and deception, traits they use to navigate the deadly politics of their underground empire. Despite their often malevolent reputation, Drow are highly skilled in magic and craftsmanship, producing some of the most exquisite and deadly artifacts in the world.


The Palatine Kingdom is founded by the first Palatine King.


The empiror of the Drow founds the Zalukan Dynasty.


The city of Quel'Lutaan is destroyed. the Obsidian Rot is inflicted on the High elves and their decendents almost making them extict.


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