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The Foundation is a maximum-security prison located in the southwestern region of Holy Empire of Concordia . It is strategically positioned on the edge of the Sanguine Expanse, a vast desert that makes it nearly inaccessible from any direction, further enhancing its reputation as one of the most secure facilities in the empire. The prison is designed to contain the most dangerous individuals, including high-ranking prisoners and enemies of the Concordian Empire.

Location and Accessibility

Situated on the desolate coast of the Sanguine Expanse, The Foundation is surrounded by harsh desert terrain. The remote location and unforgiving conditions of the desert make access to the prison extremely difficult, serving as a natural barrier to escape and unauthorized entry. The desert’s extreme temperatures, treacherous sands, and scarcity of water create a hostile environment that few can survive without adequate preparation. The prison's coastal position on the edge of the desert adds an additional layer of inaccessibility, as the rough seas and shifting sands prevent a straightforward approach by both land and sea.

Security and Guard Presence

The Foundation is heavily fortified and is guarded by a formidable contingent of Concordian forces, including a specialized unit of Concordian Elite fighters. These elite guards are highly trained in both combat and anti magic tecniques, making them well-equipped to handle any threat posed by the prison's dangerous inhabitants. The presence of these elite fighters ensures a swift and decisive response to any attempted breaches of security, both internal and external.

Magical Defenses

One of the key security measures of The Foundation is its powerful anti-magic field, which permeates the entire facility. This field is designed to nullify all forms of magic within its bounds, effectively neutralizing the abilities of any magical prisoners and preventing them from using their powers to escape or cause havoc. The anti-magic field also serves to protect the prison from external magical threats, ensuring that no outside forces can easily penetrate its defenses.   In addition to the anti-magic field, The Foundation employs a network of arcane golems as part of its security apparatus. These golems are magical constructs, crafted from enchanted materials and animated through the use of blood magic. The golems are designed to activate when the anti-magic field is temporarily lowered, allowing them to patrol the prison grounds and track down any escapees with unerring precision. The use of blood magic to bind the golems to the lifeforce of the prisoners enhances their tracking capabilities, making them a formidable deterrent to escape attempts.

Notable Inmates

The Foundation is notorious for holding some of the most high-profile and dangerous prisoners in Concordia. This includes captured rebel leaders, powerful rogue mages, high-ranking defectors, and other individuals deemed to be significant threats to the stability and security of the empire. The prison's reputation as an impregnable fortress, combined with its extreme security measures, makes it the preferred location for incarcerating those whose influence or capabilities could destabilize Concordia if left unchecked.


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