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Genasi are a distinct race of humanoid beings whose lineage is imbued with the raw power of the elements. Divided into four distinct subtypes, each corresponding to a different elemental affinity, Genasi possess unique characteristics and abilities reflective of their elemental heritage.  

-Fire Genasi.

Fire Genasi are known for their sharp intellect and fiery temperament. Their skin often bears shades of deep gray or black, and their hair resembles flames, with colors ranging from fiery red to brilliant yellow. Glowing red or yellow eyes betray their elemental heritage, hinting at their natural affinity for fire magic. Fire Genasi tribes are commonly found traversing the arid deserts of Alrya, embracing the scorching heat of their environment.  

-Water Genasi.

Wise and independent, Water Genasi exhibit a profound connection to the sea and its mysteries. Their skin may vary in hue from shades of blue to green, often bearing features reminiscent of aquatic life such as spines and scales. Flowing hair, ranging in color from deep green to tranquil blue, further reinforces their aquatic lineage. Water Genasi are most at home in the water, possessing the ability to breathe underwater effortlessly. They often inhabit coastal regions, with many finding employment as skilled sailors or fishermen.  

-Air Genasi.

Air Genasi are known for their unpredictable nature and ethereal demeanor. Their pale, sometimes blue-tinged skin may be adorned with swirling patterns, and their hair seems to dance on unseen currents or is formed entirely of ephemeral vapor. Light-footed and agile, Air Genasi possess the remarkable ability to fall from great heights without harm. Their nomadic tribes traverse vast distances, leaving little trace of their passage, earning them a reputation for elusiveness and stealth.  

-Earth Genasi.

Sturdy and steadfast, Earth Genasi embody the resilience of the earth itself. Their dark, earthy skin often glistens with hints of gemstone dust or reveals veins of precious minerals beneath the surface. Hair fashioned from stone or crystal further accentuates their ties to the earth. Physically robust and capable of moving with surprising stealth, Earth Genasi prefer to settle in the foothills of mountains, constructing sturdy dwellings from stone and establishing steadfast communities.  


The origins of the Genasi trace back to the ancient Genie empire that once ruled Alrya. Born from the magic of their Genie overlords, Genasi were created as servants imbued with elemental power. However, with the disappearance of the Genies following the 2nd Convergence , the Genasi were left to forge their own path in a changing world, ultimately evolving into the diverse and resilient race known today.


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