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Half-Giants are a robust and formidable race descended from Giants . Known for their immense strength and imposing stature, they stand between 7 and 8 feet tall and typically weigh between 280 and 340 pounds. Despite their giant heritage, Half-Giants have lifespans comparable to humans, entering adulthood in their late teens and usually living less than a century.

Physical Characteristics

Half-Giants inherit their size and strength from their giant ancestors, making them significantly larger and more muscular than most other races. Their physical prowess is evident in their towering height and substantial weight, traits that make them formidable in both combat and labor. Their skin tones, hair colors, and other features vary widely, reflecting the diverse giant lineages from which they descend.

Lifestyle and Culture

Most Half-Giants live in tribes situated in mountainous regions, where their natural strength and endurance are well-suited to the harsh environment. These tribes operate on a principle of survival of the fittest. The strongest individuals lead the tribes, while the weaker members often choose self-exile to avoid hindering the group's progress. This harsh lifestyle fosters a culture of competition and self-improvement, with Half-Giants constantly striving to outdo each other and surpass their past achievements.

Competitiveness and Survival

Half-Giants are naturally competitive, driven by a desire to prove their strength and abilities. This competitive spirit is not only directed at others but also inwardly focused, as they seek to continually improve themselves. In their tribes, leadership is earned through displays of strength and capability. Consequently, many Half-Giants prefer to die in battle rather than decline into old age, seeing a warrior's death as the ultimate testament to their strength and bravery.

Integration with Other Races

While many Half-Giants remain in their tribal communities, some venture down from the mountains to nearby settlements in search of work and new opportunities. Their size and strength make them valuable laborers and formidable warriors, and they often find employment in roles that require physical prowess. Despite their imposing presence, Half-Giants can integrate well with other races, bringing their unique cultural perspectives and competitive spirit to the communities they join.


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