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L'abime is a deserted city located on a peninsula in the southern region of Concordia . Situated within its own walls, this ancient cityscape bears the marks of time's passage. Its buildings, constructed of stone with slate roofs, have succumbed to disrepair, adorned now by vines and moss that cloak the high structures and narrow winding streets.  

The Walled City

Encircling L'abime is a high wall, though its gates have long since collapsed, rendering access possible only through a labyrinthine network of tunnels. its most prominent feature being a towering cathedral at its center, casting a shadow over the abandoned streets below.  

Historical Significance

With a history spanning over 2000 years, L'abime was originally founded by Kang-Zao . However, its prosperity was short-lived, as it fell victim to destruction during the Second Convergence. Rediscovered during the formation of the Concordian Empire, the city was deserted.  

Failed Attempts at Resettlement

Despite efforts to breathe new life into L'abime, including the construction of a new city atop its ruins, the efforts proved unsuccessful. The city never flourished, and its population dwindled over time as people left in search of greener pastures. Moreover, the area surrounding L'abime became known as a hotspot for monsters, deterring further attempts at resettlement.  

The Curse of L'abime

To this day, L'abime remains deserted and is shrouded in a veil of curse and mystery. Many have tried to unravel its secrets and reclaim its lost glory, but all efforts have been in vain. Thus, L'abime stands as a haunting reminder of the fragility of civilization and the inexorable march of time.  

Places of interest

The grand cathedral - A large cathedral that towers over the city.
Library - An old Library that is heavily overgrown.
The undercity - A Kang-Zao settlement buried under the Concordian built city.
Quarry - A limestone quarry on the edge of the city.
- The city keep sits high above the city. mostly intact.
Brightmist Forrest - The surrounding forests have worked their way past the outer walls. The inner forrest has a thick mist throughout. Making it very difficult to navigate through.


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