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Lycanthropes are unique beings capable of shape-shifting into an animal form and a hybrid form that combines human and animal traits. In their humanoid forms, they appear mostly human but retain some minor features of their animal counterparts, such as prominent fangs or claws. A distinctive characteristic of all lycanthropes is their silver-colored irises, which remain constant regardless of their form.

Physical Characteristics

Lycanthropes possess particularly dense skin, making them immune to most conventional weapons. This natural armor provides significant protection but comes with a notable vulnerability: a severe allergic reaction to silver. Weapons coated with silver can slice through a lycanthrope's skin, effectively countering their otherwise formidable defenses.

Behavior and Lifestyle

Lycanthropes live in a manner similar to their animal forms, often blending seamlessly into natural environments. Their lifestyles and behaviors are heavily influenced by the instincts and habits of the animals they can transform into. This naturalistic way of living means they do not typically maintain written records or history. The village of Culchos , established at the same time as the Queendom of Ilisha , is the only known lycanthrope settlement. Culchos serves as a communal hub for lycanthropes, providing a rare glimpse into their society and way of life.


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