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Order of Bezdur


  The Order of Bezdur is a knightly order based in the Queendom of Ilisha that follows the teachings of Idris Bezdur , the first knight of Bezdur. The order dates back to the beginning of the Age of Light , predating the formation of Ilisha itself. The knights of Bezdur are renowned for their unwavering commitment to protecting the freedoms of all life and opposing oppression in all its forms.


The Order of Bezdur was founded in the early days of the Age of Light by Idris Bezdur, a legendary knight known for his valor and dedication to justice. Idris Bezdur's teachings emphasized the importance of liberty, compassion, and the defense of the oppressed. Under his guidance, the order grew in both size and influence, becoming a beacon of hope and justice.
The pivotal moment in the order's history, and what is considered to be the beginning of the Age of Light, was when Idris Bezdur used the Soulblade to kill the demon king Kar'Vorth. This monumental event not only marked the defeat of a great evil but also symbolized the dawn of a new era of enlightenment and justice.   Throughout its history, the Order of Bezdur has often found itself in conflict with the Monarchs of Ilisha. The monarchs, known for their tendency towards tyranny and authoritarian rule, frequently clashed with the order's principles of freedom and justice. Despite these conflicts, the order has remained steadfast in its mission, earning respect and admiration from the common people.

Oath and Beliefs

Knights of the Order of Bezdur swear an oath to uphold the teachings of Idris Bezdur. Their primary mission is to protect the freedoms of all life and to stand against any form of oppression. This oath guides their actions and decisions, and they are known to intervene in matters of injustice, regardless of the political ramifications.   The order places a strong emphasis on the values of courage, honor, and selflessness. Knights undergo rigorous training, both physical and spiritual, to prepare themselves for the challenges they might face in their quest for justice.

Relics and Artifacts

The Order of Bezdur guards many ancient relics, the most notable of which is the Soulblade , the weapon used by Idris Bezdur to kill the demon king Kar'Vorth. This event is considered to be the beginning of the Age of Light. The Soulblade is a legendary weapon believed to possess mystical properties, symbolizing the order's commitment to their cause. The order also protects other relics and artifacts, many of which are considered sacred and hold historical significance.

Bezdur Keep

The Order of Bezdur is based at Bezdur Keep , a fortress monastery located in the heart of the Feyline Forest . Bezdur Keep serves as the order's headquarters, training ground, and sanctuary. The keep is a place of refuge for those seeking protection from tyranny and oppression. It is also where knights of the order undergo their training and take their oaths.   The Feyline Forest, with its mystical and serene environment, provides an ideal setting for the order's spiritual practices and meditations. Bezdur Keep is well-fortified and has stood the test of time, serving as a symbol of resilience and unwavering commitment to justice.

Modern Day

In the present day, the Order of Bezdur continues to uphold the teachings of Idris Bezdur. They remain vigilant against oppression and tyranny, often acting as mediators and protectors in conflicts. While their relationship with the monarchs of Ilisha remains tense, the order's influence and legacy endure.   The knights of Bezdur are respected and revered throughout the land, not only for their martial prowess but also for their dedication to the principles of freedom and justice. The order's continued presence ensures that the ideals of Idris Bezdur live on, inspiring future generations to stand against oppression and fight for a just and free society.

Known members


Azzar Orion

The current master of the order. Selfish and insecure. Azzar rose to his position through underhanded methods and is as a result very sensitive to those who would try the same. He aims to continue to lead the order of Bezdur by staying as safe as possible and not taking unnecessary risks. Despite his stature Azzar is and very technical swordsman and also well versed in the protective magics of his order.

Gallus Temenos - Keeper of records

The keeper of records. Cheery and loud. Gallus has no quiet policy in his record room. his voice is booming and loud. He is casual about his role as record keeper seeing his job to be more to defend the record room rather then run it. he is A powerful brawler due to his stature while still abele to wield arcane power.

Brison Crios

tall and board with mid length golden hair. Brison aspires to the old hero's of the order from history. He seeks to protect the pople of Ilisha who cannot defend themselves.
Civilian, Knightly Order


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