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A temple dedicated to the dragon Jommyd Lord of the Green. It is the ansestual house of the Yaeldrin family



Sala-Jor is a temple hidden in the forests of the Northen Palatine Kingdom. The center of the site is dominated by a large statue of the temples founder Elmyra Yaeldrin. The main temple sits to one side of the clearing. A stone building with a green roof and designs of dragons prominent on its architecture. It is surrounded by a series of smaller buildings and huts. on a cliff overlooking the site is the family's main house. A three story building that blends in with the forest canopy around it.



Sala-Jor has a small settlement of elves that live on its grounds. the monks of the temple also act as caretakers of the grounds. watching over the main temple and the manor house. The monks of the temple are healers who help travelers who wander the nearby forests.    


The temple and its grounds were originally founded by Elmyra Yaeldrin who defeated the arch demon Arkoroth. She stole his power dividing it into magical items known as the Vestiges of Arkoroth. The last of these items was the heart of Arkoroth that she used to create the dragon Jommyd Lord of the Green. He sleeps bellow the temple giving it its magical power.




Main temple

The main temple is a large wooden building sat atop a stone base. The building itself is made from wood with green stone slabs making up its curved roof. At its pinnacle a jade statue of a dragon looks downwards. the inside of the temple is made up of many rooms but its main chamber has a shrine to Jommyd. based at the feet of a great golden statue of the dragon.        


Kellam Genhice: wood elf warrior, Guardian of Sala-jor gate. Wields A maul that can summon spirital dragons
Rowlg-Ar: A dragon ghost that protects the catacombes
Jommyd Lord of the Green: The anchent dragon who gives Sala-jor its magic


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