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Rouxallne, the bustling heart of the Holy Empire of Concordia , reigns as both the capital and the largest city within the empire. Renowned far and wide, it boasts a size and grandeur that defy comprehension, with whispers that even a horse-drawn wagon journey would fail to unveil all its secrets within a single day.

Political and Scholarly Hub

Within Rouxallne's expansive borders lie the most significant political institutions of Concordia, including the prestigious High Temple  and the opulent imperial Palace. The city also serves as a beacon of knowledge, hosting esteemed scholarly institutions like the Fouquet Academy of Military Science alongside diverse academies dedicated to the arcane arts and glyph mastery. Its numerous libraries stand as invaluable repositories of wisdom, attracting seekers of knowledge from far and wide.  

Fortifications and Districts

To safeguard its vast populace and treasures, Rouxallne is encircled by formidable walls, offering protection against external threats. Within these protective barriers, the city is meticulously organized into districts, each with its own distinct character and function, contributing to the city's thriving and harmonious existence.
Large city


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