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The Sylvari are a unique humanoid plant race known for their distinct appearance and deep connection to nature. Closely resembling humans with a fey-like cast to their features, they are characterized by their plant-like attributes such as hardwood for bone structure, foliage and petals for hair, and bark-like flesh. Their veins carry golden sap instead of blood, and they emit a faint glow during the night due to luminescent cells in their skin.

Physical Characteristics

Sylvari are much more slender than the average human and typically stand about a head shorter. They are born fully formed from golden fruit pods that grow on the branches of the Pale Trees , which serve as their homes and communal centers. Despite their plant-based nature, they require food and drink to survive, although they can absorb sunlight to rejuvenate themselves. The presence of luminescent cells in their skin causes them to glow in the dark, adding to their ethereal appearance.


Sylvari have a unique lifecycle. Around their 30th year, a Sylvari will often return to its Pale Tree to be reabsorbed into the nutritious waters around the tree's roots. This process allows the nutrients and essence of the Sylvari to nourish future generations, symbolizing the deep, cyclical connection they have with their Pale Trees and nature itself.

Culture and Beliefs

Due to their inherent bond with nature, it is common for Sylvari to worship The Earthflow the Divine Glyph, believed to be the essence of nature. Their communities are typically centered around the Pale Trees, which are not only their homes but also their places of worship and cultural hubs. The Sylvari's deep respect for the natural world is reflected in their harmonious living, their rituals, and their art, which often celebrates the beauty and power of nature.


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