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The Earthflow


Known as Mother Earth by the druids, The Earthflow embodies the essence of the natural world, serving as the Divine Glyph  of the earth itself. Its divine presence is felt in every rustling leaf, every murmuring brook, and every towering mountain, sustaining life and fostering the flourishing of the natural realm.


The Earthflow's domain is as vast and varied as the earth itself, encompassing the delicate balance of life and the untamed forces of nature. It is the lifeblood that courses through the veins of the natural world, nurturing flora and fauna alike with its boundless vitality. Yet, beneath its serene facade lies the potential for cataclysmic upheaval, as The Earthflow can unleash its formidable power in earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other displays of primal fury. For Druids attuned to its whispers, The Earthflow bestows the gift of divine power, empowering them to safeguard the wilderness and champion the cause of nature. Among the sylvari, a race of sentient humanoid plants born from its essence, The Earthflow is revered as their progenitor and guiding force, their very existence intertwined with its divine will.


Manifesting as colossal trees of unparalleled majesty, the incarnations of The Earthflow stand as towering sentinels of life and vitality. These ancient arboreal beings, reaching hundreds of feet into the sky, serve as sanctuaries of verdant abundance, their sprawling canopies teeming with diverse flora and fauna. Beneath their sheltering boughs, colonies of Sylvari flourish, their existence a testament to the enduring influence of The Earthflow upon the natural world.


Worship of The Earthflow reverberates throughout the hearts of those who hold reverence for the natural world. From the devout druids who commune with its divine essence to humble farmers who offer prayers for bountiful harvests, its presence is felt and acknowledged by all who rely upon the earth's blessings. Healers invoke its name in their healing rituals, seeking solace and strength in its nurturing embrace. Among the Sylvari and within druidic circles, devotion to The Earthflow runs deep, an enduring bond that binds them to the very essence of the earth itself. Through acts of reverence and stewardship, worshippers of The Earthflow honor the sanctity of nature and strive to preserve its delicate balance for generations to come.
Metaphysical, Divine


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