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The Lichfarther


Also known as the Glyph of the Undead is one of the Divine Glyphs created at the 2nd Convergence. It is the divine glyph of Reanimation and the undead. some see it as embodying the the cycle of decay and rebirth. Others see its power is often seen as unatural.


The Lichfathers domains are of the undead. These creatures come in a wide variety but the energies that alow one to remain after death are nromaly assocated with the lichfather. As the prosess that creates an undead often requires some maipulation or corruption of the soul many see the lichfarther as an afount to the natural world. Followers of many other Divine Glyphs such as The Earthflow or The Faceless Moon. Will try to distroy undead on sight.


Although not confirmed it has been speculated that Vincent Crozier of the Darkbrand is in possession of an incarnation of The Lichfarther.


the lichfather is not worshiped by mortals as few would wish to be teathere to this plane after their deaths. his name is more often invoked as a curse. However his worship is sometimes observed by cults and the more sentient members of the undead.
Metaphysical, Supernatural


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