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Tho-Harmodios is the capital city of the Queendom of Ilisha , located on the northern bank of Lake Harmodios . It is uniquely built on seven large hexagonal plates that sit on the lake itself, creating a striking and strategic urban layout. Each plate serves as a district with distinct characteristics and functions.  


The City is split up into seven districts each one one of the plates:

Solar Plate

The central plate of the city, the Solar Plate, houses many of the wealthy families of Ilisha. It is also the location of the Sun Palace, the primary residence of the Queen of Ilisha . Many of the more affluent guilds have their headquarters here, making it the economic and political heart of Tho-Harmodios.

Kilosis Plate

Primarily a residential area, the Kilosis Plate is one of the poorer sections of the city. The Kiliosis Slum dominates most of this plate, representing the most impoverished part of Tho-Harmodios. Despite its poverty, it is a vibrant community where residents make the most of their circumstances.

Sierro Plate

A mix of residential areas and cultural hubs, the Sierro Plate is home to many theaters and cultural institutions. The Colosseum, a major venue for entertainment and public events, is located here. This plate is a lively area where the arts and public gatherings thrive.

Vicoas Plate

Known for its large buildings, the Vicoas Plate houses the Great Library and numerous temples dedicated to various gods. It serves as both a spiritual and intellectual center of the city. Scholars and worshippers alike frequent this area, making it a place of learning and reflection.

Quaysa Plate

An expensive residential area, the Quaysa Plate features upscale housing and the renowned Quaysa Gardens. This plate is known for its beautiful and well-maintained estates. It is a serene and exclusive part of the city where the elite reside.

Yanres Plate

The southern plate of the city, the Yanres Plate, is the main trading hub of Tho-Harmodios. It includes the Merchant District, the Marketplace, the City Docks, and many taverns, making it the bustling commercial center. Traders and travelers from all over gather here, contributing to the city's vibrant economy.

Papalus Plate

This plate houses the city's official buildings, including the Keep, the City Stables, and the City Hall. It also contains the main bridge connecting the city to the mainland, facilitating transportation and administration. This plate is the administrative core of Tho-Harmodios, where governance and official matters are handled.
Large city


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