District 05 - Player Knowledge


Life in District 5 is as hard as in any other district. EndMed and Carbine Technologies are pulling strings, and the local government is barely helping, if at all. The three prominent gangs causing all the trouble are Curb Stomp Ring, 1023 Kids, and Bear Tribe, each with its respective territory within the district's winding and twisting streets and alleys.   Media streams and VR cafees do their best to distract from District 5's problems but are only a bandaid for the true festering wound.   In the darker corners of the district, Operators may stumble upon the Dark Market, a place of shady deals and rumors.   Making ends meet is incredibly difficult in District 5, and a stable business can close up shop without warning. Missing person reports run rampant at the local enforcement office, but no one seems to care outside the immediate family. Jobs are plenty for Operators willing to risk their lives. Are you one of them?  
Notable Places/Services
  • Tripple G's - A Gun, Bar, and Inn rolled into one. He specializes in base line models only.
  • The General 5 - A general store that sells various goods people need in their every day life.
  • Zephyr - Call a taxi for $50 per person

Local Fixers


Annie Mae

Annie has been around for a year or two in the fixer scene. She used to be a Mrs. Smith but had many outside ties to the local government of District 05, causing her to fade out of the corporate scene. She is good at finding work for newbies but seems to dislike heavy cyberware users - prefering ganic newbies.

Fixer Jobs:

  • A woman is looking for a hacker to threaten a streetworker to stay away from her husband. She is willing to pay $5,000 for any hacker who can help.
  • A man came by, said he needed some assistance locating a chemical that he says is plaguing the district. He is willing to pay $2,500, but expects this job won't be quick to complete.
  • Burt Gibson reached out stating he has a VIP comming in with vital information. He is looking for Operaters to assist with escorting them to his appartment on the north end. Burt is willing to pay $10,000.  

Industry & Trade

Natural Gas.
An odorless, gaseous mixture of hydrocarbons—predominantly made up of methane (CH4). It is used to cook and heat homes.   District 5's local government found deposits under the rubble of buildings that collapsed in The Great Breach. As such, the areas were cleared, and drilling fields were created, and District 5 now exports it to the other 19 districts.  
As with all districts, people are the most prominent trade good between districts. People may work in other districts and then return to their homes.  
Hydroponic & Aeroponic Farms
District 5 houses one of the 14 food production facilities.


Gang Name: Bear Tribe
Gang Name: 1023 Kids
Gang Name: Curb Stomp Ring

Megacorp in area

EndMed Foundation
Carbine Technologies

Cover image: by Bing Image Gen
This article has no secrets.


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