Climate Collapse

Disaster / Destruction


Climate Change and the wealth gap grew leading to a refugee crisis. Tusk Interplanetary made huge strides in space exploration and, despite delays, successfully landed humans on Mars on June 15th of 2030.

Between 2019 and 2030 politicians rose to power thanks to the influence of various corporations and wealthy individuals of the world. Under the flag of progress these politicians made decisions and brought into law various actions that would serve to make their beneficiaries wealthier, but at a severe cost to the climate.   The earth’s climate continued to degrade, with summers hitting record-breaking highs and winters hitting record-breaking lows year after year. The rapidly rising global temperature saw the ice caps melt at a rate never anticipated. During this period sea levels rose several inches every year, and world governments scrambled to find ways to protect their major cities from flooding.   The wealth gap grew. In 2019 the world’s 50 richest people commanded wealth equal to the entire lower half of the global population. In time the top 50 shrank to 40, and then to 30. By the year 2030 these 30 individuals still held a net worth equal to half the world’s economy. The combination of a widening wealth gap, and the huge effects climate change had on cattle and crop yields caused widespread famine and political unrest in third and second world countries. This led to a new refugee crisis when many people fled to the wealthier nations as their only chance for survival.   Private companies flourished across every sector as laws increased in favor of corporate ease and profitability. Tusk Interplanetary made huge strides in space exploration and, despite delays, successfully landed humans on Mars on June 15th of 2031.

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