
The world of 2195 is that of our own, and up until 2019 follows our timeline, history, and technological trends. Today’s world is distant history to the people of 2195, and they care very little for, and frankly aren’t educated about, things that happened 160 years before they were born. The people of 2195 focus on the here, the now, and the future. From 2020 onwards the branches from our world into a timeline of its own. A darker, more dangerous version of our own future awaits the us.

  • 2019


    Climate Collapse
    Disaster / Destruction

    Climate Change and the wealth gap grew leading to a refugee crisis. Tusk Interplanetary made huge strides in space exploration and, despite delays, successfully landed humans on Mars on June 15th of 2030.

  • 2031


    Military: War

    Global resources plunged as the race for the stars led to Megacorps being created & war to follow on its heels as they fought to control off-world planets and colonies.

  • 2082


    Political event

    The assassination of the president of the EU on May 2nd, 2082, followed by the May 7th assassination of the president of the USA saw the already weakened governments of the world panic. Insurrection and societal collapse were inevitable, and the corporations were ready to pounce when it happened.   Now free of government restrictions, and with the power of the colonies behind them, the megacorporations saw huge advancements in technology for the next 50 years.   From deep within one of their colony chains Nightjar Industries developed the first ever synthetic human, known as a Synth in 2130, profoundly changing the economic landscape. These “synths” had biological bodies and incredibly complex AI. Most importantly for the megacorporations, these artificial humanoids also had no legal rights. They were, in every way, the perfect slave.

  • 2131



    Eventually the turmoil settled, and the world became used to the way things had changed. It’s been over 100 years since the megacorporations wrestled control from the governments and shaped the world into a dystopian nightmare.   The people of Earth rarely give much thought to the unreachable colonies or the wars in the stars above them. These events barely touch the lives of normal everyday people. Most people only have enough energy to care about their city and the tiny apartment they call home. Escape from reality is the key theme throughout this modern period.

  • 2185

    27 /6

    27 /6

    Breaching Day
    Era beginning/end

    When the light faded, the employees of Travel Corp found their quadrant in the middle of a valley, High mountains surrounding them opressively.

    The citizens of The Quad now found themselves in another land not of their own. Their CEO and R&D block did not make the journey as the Tower was clean-cut. The steel beams sliced, almost as if a plasma cutter had surgically removed the top clean.

    The Quad