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Ilupin (ee-lou-pin)

The ilupin is a mid-sized mammal and a social predator. They are the top predator of the White desert, and perhaps its most iconic animal.

Basic Information


The ilupin is a medium-sized quadruped. Their dog-like face is adorned with colorful muzzle glands, and their jaws are equipped with powerful, bone-crushing teeth. Reaching all the way from the top of the head to the tail grows a mane which is usually white in color, females tend to also have a full mane covering their entire neck and throat, while males lack a full mane.   The tail of the ilupin has longer fur than the rest of the body, and combined with its white color plays an important part in communication and displaying emotions. Their relatively large ears are also used for communication.   Ilupins normally have blue skin which turns red when their blood pressure is raised.   Ilupins posess large paw pads on each paw which protects their paws from the hot sand in the White desert.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ilupins are mostly polyamorous, females especially can have several mates at one time, while males tend to stick to one or two mates. In most ilupin clans the queen is the only female allowed to bear cubs, which she will do with several males, although the White desert-clan seems to have rejected this idea, as females of all ranks have been observed bearing cubs.   Ilupins usually have 1-2 cubs per litter.

Growth Rate & Stages

Ilupins age relatively fast and reach maturity by age 1.

Ecology and Habitats

Ilupins thrive in warm climates and desert environments due to their adaptations for high temperatures. Their territories cover very large areas which they guard intensely.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ilupins are carnivourus and chase down their prey by working together. Although they will turn to scavengeing if given the opportunity. Upon bringing prey back to the dens, the queen and her cubs will have their share first.   They have also been observed consuming succulent plants on rare occations.


The six glands around the ilupins muzzle serve a purpose both as communication and as a threat display. Ilupins have naturally blue skin, but when their blood pressure rises the skin turns bright red, this is mostly noticable in areas with no fur, such as the inner ears, nose, paw pads, inside the mouth and most notably, the muzzle glands. When the blood pressure rises, the muzzle glands fill with blood and expand greatly. While this unique color-changing ability most likely started out as a threat display, ilupins have evolved to be able to read and express emotions to their clanmembers using this ability.  

Additional Information

Social Structure

Clans are led by one female who is called a "queen". The queen determines the ranks of other clanmembers, bears the most cubs, and expands the territory.   Below queens are guards, who patrol the territory border and keep order within the clan. If the clan is attacked by other creatures or other clans the guards will be first in line to fight the intruders and protect the queen.   Below guards are hunters, who hunt down and bring back prey for the clan. Hunters are divided into several troops who each have their own leader. Hunters will travel as far as they need to find food, even if it takes them outside the White desert. Hunters often cooperate with patrolling guards to track prey, as guards will often spot other animals when patrolling the territory borders and inform the hunters.   Below hunters are wardens, who never stray far from the main den area. Wardens care for cubs for all the clan, including the queens cubs, dig dens and handle general cleaning and upkeep of the territory.   Below wardens are cubs, who are confined to inside the territory until the age of 1.   If individuals become sick, injured or pregnant they will be excused from their duties and will be cared for by wardens.

Average Intelligence

Ilupins are very socially intelligent, as they need to be to cooperate in hunts and move along ranks in the clan. They are also excellent survivalists who can memorize the landscape and know where to find water and shade.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The most important sense for an ilupin is its sense of smell, as they are believed to have the strongest sense of smell of all land-living creatures of the breathing ridge. Their excellent sense of smell allows them to follow prey for days on end as they travel very long distances in search of food.

Name Origin & Meaning

The name "ilupin" comes from the varan words "ilu"=blue, and "pina"=face.
12 - 15 years.
Average Height
1 - 1.3 meters (at the shoulder).
Average Weight
40 - 60 kg.
Average Length
1.5 meters.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Brown or dark brown body fur with white mane and tail. Stripes are very common but not every ilupin has them.
Geographic Distribution


  • A male ilupin is called a male.
  • A female ilupin is called a female.
  • A juvenile ilupin is called a cub.
  • A group of ilupins is called a clan.
  • The plural of ilupin is ilupins.

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