The Echo Text
a collective game
If we get the interaction and engagement right, then it doesn't matter what story we're telling.Diana Miranda, an embedded critic, responded to the 2022 R&D process in a variety of ways. Here, she used the letters in order from this sentence to find phrases that relate to The Broad Cloth and our process as she perceives it. You are invited to use the same 'Echo Text' process, and/or extract new phrases from this quote. Example:
IF wE gET thE iNTERaction And enGAgeMEnt right, THEN it doesn't matter what Story We're tellING.
>> feet enter a game, then swing Other extractions / observations:
wet thin tree.
we get tea and ignite a story.
a name then a story.
I want to ring.
fairies here.
wont hide what we tell.
tradition trying.
weed growing.
enter twat.
tea no matter what.
inner hearing.
trade a story.
wrong get right, it's my telling.
a ghost.
feet, rat, game, hens, mat, hat, toy, ring.
Diana's Responses
Embedded CriticismThe Three Critics
The Echo Text
The Long Read
A Lurker's Diary