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The Dwarven capital in the Alterac mountains takes it's nam from Berronar, Goddess of the Hearth and Home in the Dwarven mythos. No greater example of Dwarven ingenuity and mastery of one's craft can be found than in the Dwarf's craftsman ship of their own city.


Predominately dwarven (80%), with sizable gnome (10%) and goblin (10%) minorities. This does not include the city's large hobgoblin slave population (approximately 60,000)


Feudal Monarchy. Upon the death of the King, from among the King's relatives the clans (noble houses) elect the next. The King of the Dwarves Jan Goldbeard resides in a palace build into the mountain wall upon walls of gold with hammered sheets of mithral. The King's Dukes take on great responsibilities. The operation of the mines and forges of Berronar is overseen by the King's brother Caladh Goldbeard.

Industry & Trade

The city predominately experts fine manufactured goods to the Villani, their main trading partner, and are an importer of food. Automatons and slaves complete most of the menial and tasks of hard labour.   Following a centuries long conflict with the Ragnarim and his horde upon the Alterac mountains the world's first large armament industry was formed in the lower levels of Berronar, where dwarves and giants manufacture cannons, firearms and some say even autonomous fighters known only as "Warforged"


A powerful magitech industry and numerous artificers.

Guilds and Factions

The Berronar Commerce Society is composed of several guilds of skilled craftsmen and prominent wealthy landowners not part of the nobility. They are permitted seats and an audience in the King's palace when it sits and may speak (when invited to).


Virtually the entirety of Berronar is crafted from stone, when it comes to adornment - mosaics of coloured stone and bands of brass, iron and bronze are their favourite.
Dwarven Hall
Large city
Location under

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