Caja (or the crystal path) Organization in The Broken Empires | World Anvil
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Caja (or the crystal path)

A mixture of druids and clerics of Loths and a mixture of elemental worshippers in the Savage Tundra. Caja describes a set of cultural practices common among many of the druidic and clerical churches. They share a condemnation of recklessness and irresponsibility and find virtue in abstinence, honesty, and kindness. Religious and arcane knowledge is traditionally passed down via a rich oral tradition and most communities. Whereas individual priests and circles are not necessarily allied, they will frequently work towards common ends if a task is seen as mutually beneficial.


Men or women may be recognized as following Caja after making a separation from their parents and passing through some ordeal when they turn 15 years of age. Most priests or druids are nomadic in this nature.
Religious, Holy Order
Government System
Economic System
Barter system

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