The Cults of the Seas - Elementals Organization in The Broken Empires | World Anvil
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The Cults of the Seas - Elementals

Worship of the Elements is the oldest form of worship that exists within the world of Aporue. Only the most ancient druidic orders hold a candle to comparison in terms of longevity, but rarely are they treated with as much gravity or respect as the elemental cults.   To many orcs and the human tribes she is Belisama, associated with the rivers and lakes who gives blessings on long travels. To the Elves of the Frozen Shore she is Tefnut master of the seas and ice. To the Villani she is Neptuna, and sleeps in the sea on a massive tomb of treasure, dispensing gifts to her most favoured. For various reasons, usually due to water being associated with life giving force, the Element of water is almost always assigned the female gender when anthropomorphic form by the sentient species of the world with the notable exception when it is worshipped as Bowan, Lord of the Depths to the Seafaring Dark Elves in the Emerald Expanse.   A farmer prays for mercy his fields be spared the rising tide and impact of a flood, another prays for rain. Cultures where the cult of elemental water have a prominent position are frequently based closer to the water and having to adapt to change. Whereas the presentation of sacrifice is appeasing to all of the elemental gods, adapting to the forces of the elements and adoration is seen with a greater amount of pride to the water deity. Sailors, farmers, and the clerics who herald the seas and its mysterious power - those that respect the power of the seas with revelry, are held in her greatest esteem.

Public Agenda

Continuing reverence of the power of the seas and water
Sea Deity
Religious, Cult
Subsidiary Organizations
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