Castle Lucca Building / Landmark in The Broken Empires | World Anvil
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Castle Lucca

Serro's Keep. Castle Lucca was hastily constructed using stone from the local area and with the assistance of Lucca's forge. Since the barony of Lucca came under Serro's rule the young lord has poured massive pools of resources and wealth into the barony and the area has quickly transformed from a town known for its metalworking to a champion of metallurgy and industry in the area, one that is quickly growing into a small city.

Purpose / Function

Serror's castle and seat of power in the Northern baronies of the Villani Empire.     Demense effects: Fortifications in the keep give units defending it a +2 morale bonus. Archers who train here find their arrows go farther and strike more accurately. Edged weapons are keener here and do not dull.   Stronghold actions: Until initiative count 20 on the next round, any enemy who tries to cast a spell in your domain experiences searing pain and must make a DC 16 con save. On a failed save, it takes 1d6 force damage per spell level and the spell has no effect.     Fighting surge: When Serro attacks using his action surge he automatically scores a critical hit. This can be done for a number of action surges equal to the stronghold level, after which he must rest.   Stronghold level 4 Size - 12 Toughness - 26 Units - 5 Units: Seasoned heavy infantry, 2 units of regular heavy infantry, 1 unit of regular cannon, 1 unit of green heavy infantry.


Due to the speed of creation demanded by its creator, Castle Lucca has a more mundane appearance, developed and built along ruthlessly pragmatic lines. The large quantity of brass used in its construction supported by the forges both strengthen the building and cause it to shine brilliantly in the light at the cost of giving the structure a somewhat gaudy appearance.
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Owning Organization

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