The Villani Empire Organization in The Broken Empires | World Anvil
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The Villani Empire

Founded by Aelius the great who united the great houses along the Villani river into a singular entity that included the entirety of Mylon. Viewed by some cultures as oppressive overlords, the Villani empire has made a legacy of spreading its institutions to the lands it has conquered through military might, or incorporated through diplomacy and commercial gains.   Earlier despots of the Villani Empire were predominately military men and or sorcerers. Julius, who was later proclaimed a Saint was a Paladin, successive Emperor's have predominately been Paladins or loyal to the faith of Bahamos.


The Emperor rules directly over the territory of Mylon, and indirectly through vassals (e.g. barons, sealords) in the surrounding territories around Mylon and other territories. It functions as a traditional feudal monarchy.

Demography and Population

An exact count is difficult to ascertain, in particular as the Villani Empire is presently in a state of civil war. There are approximately 4 million within the province of Mylon, predominately humans. The Southern Baronies and Mylon have a sizeable goblinoid minority.
Imperial Soldier
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Villanese Empire
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

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