Mylon Geographic Location in The Broken Empires | World Anvil
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The Ancestral heartland of the Villani Empire. The Villani people, or Villanese, take their name from the Villani river which flows through the heart of the Mylon province into the Great sea of Neptuna's bed - so named after their Ancient Goddess of the Sea.


The area of Mylon is predominately grassland, the majority of which has been purposed for agriculture. Rolling hills surround the southern most area at the cusp of the Alterac mountains as well as the capital city of Milano - which in it's earliest days aided the city in defense against neighbouring human tribes.

Natural Resources

The land is opportune for vinyards, agriculture and wine make up most of the land's resources. The hills surrounding MIlano are particularly good source of copper, diorite, and granite. To the south in the Alterac mountains, large iron deposits are also present.
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