Seamarch Organization in The Broken Empires | World Anvil
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In a land humans of a bygone era once named Wassland the vassal of Seamarch was annexed into the Villani Empire by the Emperor Cato. The Land has been ruled by Villani ever since.


Seamarch is indirectly ruled by the Villani having some degree of autonomy. "The First Sealord" is the person who more or less rules Seamarch through the form of Military Junta. Anyone captaining a fleet of at least 2 ships may claim the title of Sealord. These individuals, in conjunction with 20 representatives from the city of Cato form the moot which rules the March. Ruling until death the First Sealord is elected amongst the other sealords. Whereas all the land of Seamarch is technically the property of the Emperor, the majority of it is wealth is in the hands of the Sealords who, as vassals to the Empire, are pressed into service of the the Empire's Navy.

Public Agenda

Maintain Villanese supremacy over the sea of Neptuna's bed.

Demography and Population

700,000 (total). Largest town: Cato (200,000).
Geopolitical, Lordship
Alternative Names
Sea Villanese
Related Ethnicities

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