Villani Ethnicity in The Broken Empires | World Anvil
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Of all the human tribes that populate the world, none have made so large as an impression as the Villani. Proud and meticulous the Villani were well positioned to rise to prominence among other human tribes for their cultural emphasis on lasting institutions. From founding the first and longest running College of the Arcane on the continent to building a robust and long lasting network of roads that extends through their heartland of Mylon the VIllani have long prospered as a result of their diligence to continuing the legacy.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Livia, Iovita, Longina, Lucilla, Marcella, Maxima, Porcia

Masculine names

Balbus, Cato, Maximus, Servius, Octaviusm Aurelius

Family names

Baebius, Atrius, Decius, Eppius, Curius, Herminius, Gallius, Manilia, Nautius, Septimius.


Major language groups and dialects


Culture and cultural heritage

It is custom to drink with every meal, having lighter meats (fish) and grains (nuts, bread) during the daytime and heavier foods: noodles; beef; and mutton later in the evening.

Shared customary codes and values

A great emphasis on education and continuing one's legacy.

Average technological level

Late Medieval / Renaissance.

Common Etiquette rules

It is customary to water down one's wine when drinking during the daytime, and to have a drink with every meal.

Common Dress code

Typically dressed in wool. Commoners typically dress in greys, greens, or browns wearing tunics, or skirt. Indigo as a colour is typically restricted to the nobility.

Common Taboos

Alcoholism, drinking stronger alcohol during the day is seen as a sign of deviancy and a weak will.

Historical figures

Aelius who founded the Villani Empire


Beauty Ideals

The Villani greatly respect the powerful athletic physiques shown in statutes of their earlier Emperors and in depictions of their Gods.

Gender Ideals

Traditional gender roles.

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