The Cult of the Skies - Elementals Organization in The Broken Empires | World Anvil
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The Cult of the Skies - Elementals

Within the world few things have such an omnipresent place in the cultures of the world as much as the sky. As ancient as any of the other elemental cults.   To the Orcs he is worshiped as Tengra who watches over and approves of their rulership of the steppes and lands. To the Dwarves he is Meteos who inspired them to build onwards and upwards. To the Villani he is Wodan who pushed away part of the sea of Neptuna's bed making a place for them to settle. Paternal authority and ambition are the most recurring themes of among those who worship aspects of elemental air.
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  Amongst the Ancient Elemental Gods the aspect of the skies is generally considered the most benign, and simultaneously the hardest to please. Least moved by blood sacrifices, deities of Air are most moved by the movement and watching of individuals pursue their dreams, act out of inspiration, and the benevolent use of authority.
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