The Four Fingered Hand Organization in The Broken Empires | World Anvil
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The Four Fingered Hand

In the early days of Bloodwell, regional violence and banditry were common in the old days before the predominance of the Villani Empire.Vito Casalone was a tavern owner whose home and place of business was raided, his wife and daughter raped, and as an additional humility his thumbs cut off.     Unwilling to tolerate this humiliation and abuse any longer he formed a posse with other landowners and merchants in the area that formed an informal militia and information network to protect one another from raids.     When the Villani Empire extended its reach the threat of piracy and banditry was reduced. Overtime the organization became more criminal in nature and has grown into the predominant crime syndicate throughout the Villani Empire.


The four fingered hand is led by four "Kings" within 4 different cities in the Villani Empire: Milano; Sease; Bloodwell; and Wolf's Den.   These cities each take a "suit" from a pack of cards: Spades for Milano; Diamonds for Wolf's Den; Hearts for Sease; and Clubs for Bloodwell. Each King is typically accompanied by an underbooss - the "Queen" who deals with most of the day-to-day organization. Recruitment and liaising is the duty of each houses' "Jack". From there he or she has 9 enforcers numbered: 10 through 2. Beneath that associates and potential recruits are labelled "Ace".

Public Agenda

Profit, and protection
Illicit, Syndicate
Related Ethnicities

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