The Staff of Neptuna Item in The Broken Empires | World Anvil
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The Staff of Neptuna

A five and half foot long staff of spiraled coral with a sizable conch on the end. It predates the Villani Empire when the people of the Villani river led by their elemental priest Marsa slaughtered the neighbouring tribe of Touscan, dedicating each sacrifice to their water born Goddess. In thanks for the tribute, her staff was bestowed to the people.   Grown and gifted to the Villani people from coral made of the bed of Neptuna. The coral is a dark red with streaks of black, green, and orange from oxidized and rusted copper and iron metalwork embedded into the staff.


Religious and cultural icon of the Elemental worshippers of the Villani.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Legendary Artifact
Grown from the garden of a watery diety

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