Generative Starships

Generative starships only feature in the last story in these chronicles, because they were only made possible in a far future time, long after the formal end of the Bubble. They were developed as a joint project of the Society Of Contemporary Races and may well have been the finest flowering of science in the galaxy to date. There is no firm evidence that even the powerful ancient species of antiquity possessed this technology, although many academics think that the Cold Orbiters and the Wardens Of The Dark probably had access to equivalent techniques.   Around the two hundred and fiftieth millenium CE, generative starships replaced the Flicker Drive as a far superior means of travel between the stars.

Social Impact

Generative starships with superimplicit drives, allowed the Society Of Contemporary Races to expand into areas of the galaxy that had hitherto remained inaccessable due to long travel times even with fast flicker drives. For the first time, the Magellanic Clouds could be explored and it was possible to consider expeditions to other galaxies. In the long run, the creation of this technology allowed the Society Of Contemporary Races to out compete potential rivals in half the galaxy and to achieve military victories when forced into wars with neigbouring hostile civilizations on its borders.   Much larger volumes of space could be governed and held within a unified social and legal framework, but the range and capabilties of generative starships were not unlimited and even this technology did not allow for practical intergalactic travel, except in an experimental and exploratory way.
The Society Of Contemporary Races
Superimplicit drives play with the order of the holomovement, teasing the right quantum potential out of the metaquantum field that links first and second harmonic space. Generative starships, use the superimplicit drives to perform a transformation known as "restructuring" in which they ghost into existence within second harmonic space, floating over bright waves of discontinuity and fading out again like seagulls riding a storm wind to hover over a cliff. Behind their grey lines, rainbows of physical protest blossom like shockwaves as they sail through the storms within the reduced scales of second harmonic space, returning to first harmonic space many hundreds of light years from their departure point in time scales far shorter than anything the fastest Flicker Drive can achieve.
The technological breakthrough that would give rise to generative starships arose from a deep study of the distribution and nature of Geometrical Anomalies and their effect on the Flicker Drive. When integrated with the understanding of space and time that came from Flicker Drive Zonal Restriction technology, a theoretical modality, known as second harmonic space was deduced and much later confirmed as a physical reality.   Second harmonic space is a projection of normal space and time (otherwise called first harmonic space) into a topologically identical dimension but shrunk by a non-scalar transformation.   A practical application for the theory of second harmonic space, only became possible with the development of the so called "superimplicit" drive which allowed for a transition between harmonic spaces.

Cover image: Keldarchon by DMFW with Vue

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