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Nax, the god of the stars, is chaotic neutral. His followers call him The Lively Father and The Game Master. Nax laughed and needled Nüm and Nal as they feuded, helping bring the Age of Creation to an end. During the Age of Mourning, Nax has sought to counter his sorrow with revelry. He is the lord and creator of the Naxian gods, and is thus worshipped by most chaotic people. He is associated with games, parties, travel, and food and drink. In depictions, Nax is portrayed with a countenance that reflects this internal struggle, his face radiating both joy and sorrow. His eyes shimmer with a combination of mirthful light and deep-seated melancholy. The divine artistry that captures Nax's essence often portrays him in dynamic poses, as if frozen in a dance of conflicting emotions. He is often given the guise of a man on the road, wearing his legendary boots that allow him to leap between stars in a single bound.   Nax embodies a contradictory essence within the pantheon. While he is known for his playful and joyful nature, he also carries a deep well of sorrow and despair. Nax's connection to the arts of The Limae  fills him with immense joy and elation. He takes delight in the beauty of their creations, the melodies of their songs, and the dances that stir the soul. Nax revels in the exuberance and spontaneity of mortal life, encouraging the pursuit of passion, celebration, and the pursuit of dreams.   However, beneath Nax's effervescent facade lies a profound sadness. As the god of the stars, he bears witness to the passing of time and the inevitable demise of the things that he loves about the world. Nax's heart aches with the weight of this knowledge, as he tries to ignore his profound grief over the loss of Dunyawal. This constant clash of emotions—joy and sorrow—creates a tragic duality within his divine essence.   Nax's followers, drawn to his vibrant and unpredictable nature, embrace both sides of his character. They engage in lively celebrations and grand festivities, honoring Nax's spirit of revelry. At the same time, they understand the somber undercurrents and mournful depths that lie beneath his boisterous demeanor. Nax's tragic nature serves as a reminder to mortals of the fleeting nature of life's pleasures and the bittersweet journey of existence. His presence inspires individuals to cherish every moment, embrace both joy and sorrow, and find solace in the ephemeral beauty of the world around them.




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