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The Caliphate of Ibra

The Caliphate of Ibra began in Alik Ajan and spread its way across the entirety of Asgellion, leaving only the frigid wastelands of the north to the goblins. The Caliphate is split into eight largely independent Sultanates, each with its own capital city and arcane university.

The Eight Sultanates

Each of the sultanates in the caliphate is ruled by a sultan with exception of Alik Ajan, which is ruled by the The Grand Caliph of Ibra. At times rivals, the various royal houses of Ibra take great pride in the maintenance of largely peaceful and prosperous land in Dunyawal.


Ajan is the principle Sultanate of Ibra, its capital city placed atop the highest point in Asgellion, taking a commanding view over the Caliphate. The Caliphs of the House of Ajan have ruled in an unbroken dynasty since their ancestors conquered Asgellion over a thousand years ago. Ajan's symbol is a rearing lion on an orange field.


Alik Haddej is the commercial hub of Ibra, its capital city situated in Broken Hand Bay on the eastern edge of Asgellion. The House of Haddej is an offshoot of the royal House of Ajan by way of a child born out of wedlock. The original Haddej Ismina was a bastard turned pirate who threatened to cut off the other Sultanates from the rest of the world with her massive fleet. The other Houses placated her by offering her and her progeny dominion over Broken Hand Bay. Haddej's symbol is a ship at anchor on a blue field.


Alik Hatem is located in the heartland of Asgellion, its capital city seated to the southeast of nearby Alik Ajan. The House of Hatem takes pride in the horse breeding practices it has kept alive since the split between the Ibran Caliphate and True Ibra. Hatem's symbol mirrors that of House Ajan, except that it is a rearing horse on an orange field.


Alik Iqbal is perhaps the most magically sophisticated place in the world. The Iqbal domain is a relatively small one on an island off the Southwestern shore of Asgellion and its capital was raised from the sea cliffs by the archmage Iqbal Hassal. Long have the sultans of house Iqbal traded magical secrets with the gnomes and goblins of Orr. This longstanding trade relationship has caused some of the other sultanates to distrust Iqbal. Iqbal's symbol is a pair of eyes on a red field.


The sultanate of Gabir lies to the north of Alik Ajan, comprising the border between what the Ibrans consider civilized and uncivilized Asgellion. Few families grow roots in Gabir. Its capital is more of a fort than a city, with more of a garrison than a populace. These Ibran hinterlands are home to some of the finest warriors of Dunyawal, people who have devoted themselves to martial training. The royal Gabiri family has fractured many times over the years, with disputes over the Sultanate ultimately arbitrated by the Caliph in Alik Ajan. Gabir has outright hostile relations with the goblins who populate the tundra.


Alik Maalouf considers itself the moral core of the Caliphate. The Sultans of Maalouf, unlike those of the other Sultanates, share no common heritage with House Ajan. The first sultan of Maalouf, Maalouf Disrai, earned his appointment by being the spiritual advisor to the Caliph. What started as a small grant of land for a monastery dedicated to Nüm gradually grew into the largest Sultanate of Ibra through the shrewd leadership of a long line of Maaloufi sultans as dedicated to the acquisition of land as they were the teachings of their gods. Maalouf's symbol is a blazing sun on a blue field.


Alik Najjar occupies the southwestern coast of Asgellion. The capital city of the Sultanate is set on the cliffs by the sea, looking out to the island sultanate of Iqbal. The Najjari people are most famous for their massive annual celebration of the Battle of Rithir, a pivotal fight between the early Ibran settlers and the goblins that took place on the cliffs. The celebrations draw revelers from all over Ibra and even from other continents, so legendary is their revelry. Najjari also boasts the finest swordsmiths of Asgellion. Najjari smiths have a well-guarded secret process for creating steel that keeps its edge far longer than any except weapons crafted by the Elves of Mythron. Najjar's symbol is a sea gull on a light blue field.


The sultanate of Alik Qadir lies to the northeast of the Ibran Caliphate. The capital city of Qadir was built on a dormant volcano that has over the centuries come close to eruption but kept at bay by the greatest Ibran magicians. The volcanic soil in Qadir lends itself well to agriculture, and the Qadiri people make their living, for the most part, by growing olives and dates and other foods. The sultans of Qadir have successfully kept themselves out of the affairs of the other Sultanates, slowly acquiring more and more freedom for themselves and their citizens from the Caliphate. The symbol of Qadir is an olive tree on a grey field.

The Eternal Seat

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Ibran Empire, Ibra
Predecessor Organization
Ibran Stallions
Official Languages
Controlled Territories

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