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Early History

The continent of Mythron is geographically the newest continent in Dunyawal though it was the first peopled by the Limae. When Nax formed Dunyawal's body, he allowed the continents to form as they would, but when Nor taught Dunyawal how change her form, she created near the equator a verdant paradise. She took joy in the life that sprang into being on this land of hers, life that she encouraged to spread through the seas and to the other continents.

Lumiron's Gift

When Dunyawal gave birth to her first child Lumiron, she decided to gift the land of Mythron to her new daughter. Lumiron treasured this gift and saw it as her duty to care for the land. To help her do so, she created the Elves, who she taught to sing and to play musical instruments and, most importantly, to maintain the forests of Mythron. Lumiron and the elves lived happily in this state through the Age of Creation.

The Death of Dunyawal

At the end of the Age of Creation, at the behest of her mother, Lumiron planted a tree with the remainder of Dunyawal's life force deep within the southern forests of Mythron. The mortals of Dunyawal know this as the Worldtree, a sycamore of such magnificent proportions that it dwarfs even some of the mountains of Byrne. Its roots hold the entire world together, stretching underneath the oceans and mountain ranges. The deep delving Dwarves and Goblins sometimes stumble upon the roots of the Worldtree in their tunnels.   As her powers began to fade from the material plane, Lumiron made a covenant with the elves, instructing them to care for the world tree. They vowed to keep the Worldtree alive, along with the hope that one day, Lumiron might be strong enough to retake her place in Dunyawal and perhaps even replace her mother and inherit the material plane. In return, Lumiron taught them some of her magic. She taught them how to speak with the plants and animals and how to shape their growth.

The First Schism

The elves took their duties to the Worldtree seriously at first, but as the Age of Mourning drew on and Dunyawal's other children created new mortal races to inhabit the earth, some of the elves developed other priorities. Nephion created the orcs with the explicit purpose of destroying the Worldtree. While the elves had hundreds of years of experience and their gifts from Lumiron, the orcs were much larger in number and had been designed by Nephion to fight. Over centuries, the orcs took almost all of Mythron from the elves, leaving only the Worldtree and the community of Tal-Elbryn under elven control.   It was at a critical juncture in the war between the orcs and elves that Ril came to the elves and offered them a new covenant. He offered them magic he had stolen from Nal and Nüm. The arch-druid Silmara Elowen cautioned against this new covenant, but many elves agreed to it, and this caused the First Schism. The elves who accepted Ril's magic used it to drive the orcs out of the forests and then to reconquer the rest of Mythron. These elves became known as the High Elves, and they built the marvelous city of Alth-Ruinon on the northern coast of Mythron.   The elves who remained behind in Tal-Elbryn became known as the Wood Elves. They maintained the covenant with Lumiron and continued to care for the Worldtree.


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