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Embrace the skies and let the wings of the Zur carry you to new heights.

Created by Zur at the beginning of the Age of Mourning to search for Dunyawal's heart, the Zura are an avian race of seekers and hunters. These noble beings possess the gift of flight, soaring through the skies with grace and precision, their wings spreading wide to catch the currents of the wind. The Zura serve as Zur's loyal companions and invaluable allies in his quest to find Dunyawal's lost heart and restore hope to the world.   Zuran communities can be found scattered across the lands of Dunyawal, often inhabiting the most breathtaking and elevated regions. Their roosts perch high atop the towering peaks of the Byrnish Mountains, where the air is thin and crisp, or nestled within the seaside cliffs of the majestic Asgellion, overlooking sweeping oceans and expansive horizons. These locations offer the Zura keen vantage points over their hunting grounds.   The Zura, embodying their creator's essence, possess a deep connection to the skies and the creatures that dwell within them. They are proficient hunters and skilled trackers, utilizing their sharp eyesight and keen instincts to navigate the vast expanse of Dunyawal in search of the elusive soul of Dunyawal herself. Their pursuit is driven by an unwavering sense of purpose and the unyielding hope that their quest will ultimately bring about a renewal of harmony between the gods.   While the Zura do not typically construct cities or form organized societies, they foster close-knit communities centered around their shared purpose. Their nests are meticulously crafted, perched in precarious and hard-to-reach locations that offer protection and concealment. Within these nests, the Zura share knowledge, stories, and the lore, passing down ancient wisdom through generations.   In appearance, the Zura bear a striking resemblance to humanoid eagles, possessing feathered bodies and wings, with taloned feet and sharp beaks. They are agile and swift, their movements fluid and precise, adapting seamlessly to the currents of the wind. Most Zura are possessed by a sense of nobility and purpose, their demeanor reflecting their unwavering dedication to their divine mission. But long have been the years in pursuit of Dunyawal's heart. There are those among the Zura who have deviated from the path or find themselves less invested in their divine mission. They may have grown disillusioned, their wings weary from the endless searching, or they may simply possess a more individualistic nature that steers them away from the collective cause. These outliers may face scrutiny or isolation from their brethren and many take to stranger skies in search of a different purpose.
Ability Scores: Dex +2; Wis +1   Speed: your base walking speed is 20 ft. and your base flying speed is 40 ft.   Age: Zur mature within three years of hatching but can incubate indefinitely. They can live up to fifty years.   Size: Zur are about 7 feet tall but very thin and with long arms and hollow bones. Your size is medium.   Flight: You have a pair of wings that enable you to fly. You cannot fly while wearing medium or heavy armor or using a shield.   Talons: Your talons are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier.   Keen Eyes: You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.   Winged Agility: You have proficiency in the Acrobatics skill.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write Bliuah and one local language of your choice.


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